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26. <br /> <br />27. <br /> <br />28. <br /> <br />29. <br /> <br />30. <br /> <br />31. <br /> <br />The applicant shall construct a new sewer pump station in the approximate location <br />shown on the plans. The station shall be of sufficient size to handle this development, <br />that portion of the adjacent 9 lot subdivision on the east side of Foothill Road which <br />is intended to be pumped, and ail other future development aiong Foothill Road as <br />determined by the City Engineer. The station shall be equipped with a standby diesel <br />generator. <br /> <br />The applicant shail install a gravity sewer line on Foothill Road from "A" Street <br />northerly to the existing gravity sewer main and install individuai sewer laterals to the <br />9 lots on the east side of Foothill Road. The applicant shail be responsible for the <br />construction of a force main from this new sewage pump station to the existing <br />manhole located on Foothill Road at the northerly end of the development. <br /> <br />Unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer ail storm drain pipes in the open <br />space areas shail be revised to concrete lined V-ditches. These ditches shall tie into <br />the street drainage system. All inlets that are not adjacent to a dedicated street shall <br />be privately maintained by the individual homeowners or by the Landscape and <br />Lighting District. All storm drain field inlets shall incorporate a permanent desilting <br />basin and shail comply with the City's urban runoff (non-point discharge) ordinance. <br /> <br />Unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer, all public storm drain lines shail be <br />within the street right-of-way. All other lines shail be private and maintained by the <br />individual homeowners or through the Landscape and Lighting District. <br /> <br />The storm drainage from each lot shall be directed to the street or an approved storm <br />drain system in accordance with Sections 2907(b)(5) and 7012(d) of the 1988 Uniform <br />Building Code unless otherwise approved by the Building Official and City Engineer. <br />In general, Lots 20 - 29 shail be drained to an on-site catch basin and piped to the <br />nearest public storm drain pipe. All other lots shail have a storm drain laterai <br />stubbed onto the property from the public storm drain system. <br /> <br />The westerly property line of Lot 25 shail be adjusted easterly, or the access road to <br />the existing house moved westerly, such that the existing dirt road (proposed for <br />access to the storm drain inlet in Lot 26) road fails outside of Lot 25 and entirely in <br />Lot 38 (Currin lot). The owners of Lots 25 and 26 shail be granted an access <br />easement over this road. Similarly, the cul-de-sac bulb of "F" Street may be <br />modified slightly to encroach further into Lot 26, subject to the approvai of the <br />Planning Director and City Engineer. <br /> <br />The proposed graded ditches aiong the property lines shail be adjusted to follow the <br />natural contour such that most of the runoff from the lots is channeled towards the <br />street and into the public storm drain system. There shail be a disclosure to the owner <br />of the downhill lot that some of the natural runoff from the uphill lot must be <br /> <br />B-5 <br /> <br /> <br />