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<br />4-Ala-580 18.2/19.7 <br />4186 - 115931 <br />Dist. Agmt. No. 4-1213-CA <br />Document No. ALA-1-6903 <br />AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT <br />THIS AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT, ENTERED INTO ON <br />is between the STATE OF CALIFORNIA, <br />acting by and through its Department of Transportation, referred <br />to herein as "STATE", and <br />CITY OF PLEASANTON, a body politic and <br />a municipal corporation of tho State of <br />California, referred to herein as "CITY". <br />RECITALS <br />(1) The parties hereto entered into an Agreement (Doc- <br />ument No. Ala- 1-6903) on September 5, 1989, said Agreement de- <br />• fining the tenas and conditions of a cooperative project to <br />design, furnish required right of way and construct a new inter- <br />change at Hacienda Drive and auxiliary lanes on both sides of <br />Interstate Route 580 between Tassajara Creek Overcrossinq and the <br />Hopyard Road Interchange. <br />(2) Said Agreement sets the construction of~the auxil- <br />iary lanes on both sides of Interstate Route 580 to be performed <br />concurrently with the construction of the new Hacienda Drive <br />Interchange and it is now determined that a portion of the auxil- <br />iary lane construction will be deferred and will be constructed <br />as part of a future project for the Bay Area Rapid Transit Dis- <br />-1- <br />"t - .-- <br />