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B. The maximum vacation hours any management or <br />confidential employee may accumulate by his/her <br />anniversary date shall not exceed twice his/her <br />annual vacation entitlement. If employment <br />circumstances are such that an employee is not <br />permitted to take all, or a portion of, his/her <br />vacation, the employee may request permission from <br />the city manager or city attorney to carry over <br />said unused vacation to the next year. All hours <br />in excess of the maximum accrual will be paid to <br />the employee at the end of the calendar year. <br />6.4(4) Vacation Schedule/IIsacie <br />A. The times at which an employee may take his/her <br />vacation shall be determined in advance by the <br />department director with due regard for the wishes <br />of the employee and with particular regard for the <br />needs of the service. Use of vacation shall be <br />approved in advance by the employee's supervisor. <br />B. Except for confidential employees, absences because <br />of vacation leave less than the employee's regular <br />work day shall not result in a deduction from <br />salary in the event the employee does not have <br />1 sufficient accrued vacation to cover the absence. <br />' If the employee does not have sufficient accrued <br />vacation leave to cover the absence, the vacation <br />leave time taken shall be charged against the <br />employee's vacation leave account in the form of a <br />negative balance. <br />C. Inappropriate use or abuse of unscheduled partial <br />day absences may affect performance evaluations <br />and/or be grounds for disciplinary action. <br />6.4(5) Vacation Pav <br />Under certain circumstances, management and confidential <br />employees may be compensated for excess accrual vacation <br />subject to the requirements of the Internal Revenue Code <br />and the approval of the city manager. <br />6.5 Sick Leave <br />6.5(1) Sick Leave Accrual <br />A. A management and confidential employee, except a <br />police public safety manager or a fire battalion <br />chief, shall during his/her first year of <br />employment earn sick leave at the rate of eight <br />- 10 - <br />