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CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PLEASANTON <br />ALAMEDA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA <br />RESOLUTION NO. 91-174 <br />ADMINISTRATIVE FEE FOR TOWING A VEHICLE <br />PURSIIANT TO VEHICLE CODE SECTION 22651, <br />SIIBDIVISIONS (o) AND (p) <br />WHEREAS, California Vehicle Code Section 22651(0) allows a peace <br />officer to remove a vehicle, found upon a highway, any <br />public lands, or an off-street parking facility, with a <br />registration date which has expired in excess of one <br />year before the date it is found on the highway, public <br />lands, or the off-street parking facility; and <br />WHEREAS, California Vehicle Code Section 22651(0) provides that <br />the vehicle shall be released to the owner, or to a <br />person in control of the vehicle, only after the owner or <br />person furnishes the storing law enforcement agency with <br />proof of current registration and a currently valid <br />driver's license to operate the vehicle; and <br />WHEREAS, Vehicle Code Section 22651(p) allows a peace officer to <br />remove a vehicle from a highway when said peace officer <br />issues a notice to appear for a violation of Vehicle Code <br />Sections 12500, 14601, 14601.1, or 14601.2 and when there <br />is no passenger in the vehicle who has a valid driver's <br />license and is authorized to operate the vehicle; and <br />WHEREAS, Vehicle Code Section 22651(p) provides that a vehicle <br />removed pursuant to this Subdivision shall not be <br />released to the registered owner or his or her agent, <br />except upon presentation of the registered owner's, or <br />his or her agent's, currently valid driver's license to <br />operate the vehicle and proof of current vehicle <br />registration, or upon order of a court; and <br />WHEREAS, it is the policy of the City Council of the City of <br />Pleasanton to establish fees in regard to the redemption <br />of stored vehicles pursuant to the Vehicle Code; and <br />WHEREAS, it has been determined that staff work is necessary in <br />order to administer Vehicle Code Section 22651, <br />Subdivisions (o) and (p); and <br />WHEREAS, it is found that it casts the City of Pleasanton $50 to <br />administer the towing of each vehicle found in violation <br />of Vehicle Code §22651(0) and/or (p); and <br />