Laserfiche WebLink
is no limit on the number of such sites, it is the <br />responsibility of the City/County to determine application <br />areas which will provide the most potential for usage. During <br />the evaluation period for your jurisdiction, The Innovation <br />Groups and Consumer Payment Services will work together in the <br />evaluation of each site to determine the need for more or <br />fewer machines; <br />d. Train your customer service people and City/County <br />hall telephone operators, receptionists, volunteers, etc. as <br />to the details of the program so they can so inform the public <br />when inquiries are received; <br />e. Provide information regarding the implementation of <br />the program in your jurisdiction to neighboring local <br />governments upon request. The Innovation Groups and Consumer <br />Payment Services will provide a descriptive brochure to assist <br />you in such information dissemination; <br />f. Consider participation in an annual conference on <br />credit card programs in local government. This conference <br />will be sponsored by The Innovation Groups; <br />g. Provide written information regarding the program in <br />your City/County for inclusion in a newsletter which will be <br />prepared by The Innovation Groups; and <br />h. At the end of the first six months (or sooner at the <br />City/County's option) of the evaluation program, assess the <br />program's potential for expansion into additional departments <br />(if jurisdiction-wide implementation has not occurred). <br />2. The Innovation Groups shall: <br />a. Return 12%,% of the net profit (computed from the <br />service fee charge for each transaction after Consumer Payment <br />Services, Inc. fixed terminal costs of $34.50 per terminal per <br />month have been recovered) to each participating Innovation <br />Group member. This amount shall not be less that 2.5 cents <br />per transaction. A return of a flat one cent per transaction <br />will be returned to non-members of the Innovation Groups. <br />Payments to participants will occur on a quarterly <br />basis or when $1,000 has accumulated in the City/County's <br />account, whichever occurs first. Detailed accounting showing <br />total transaction volume for the City/County, total <br />transaction amounts, and total Consumer Payment Services <br />service fees generated during the period for each terminal(s) <br />and in total for each City/County will accompany each payment; <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />