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<br />It is recommended by staff that additional funds in the amount of $108,086.84 be <br />transferred from the Annual Street Resurfacing account (CIP No. 065003) to balance the <br />project expenditures. <br /> <br />Chan,ge Orders <br /> <br />During construction of the subject project, there were 12 construction change orders. The <br />most significant one, Change Order No. 12, was the additional quantity of asphalt placed <br />in the roadway section in the amount of 1,288.00 tons. The original estimated quantity of <br />asphalt for the project was 4,300 tons. As pavement elevations were staked in the field by <br />the City's surveyor, Bellecci and Associates, it became evident that in order to provide a <br />comfortable riding surface for the posted speed of travel, an additional thickness of asphalt <br />would be necessary along the new northern edge of pavement, sloping the entire width of <br />pavement section from the north edge to the south edge, banking the roadway through the <br />curve at this location to accommodate the posted speed of 40 mph. These pavement <br />surface adjustments included eliminating existing roadway high spots that were feathered <br />out with additional pavement thickness. In addition, transition pavement conforms to <br />Thiessen Avenues (East and West) were extended; and feathering-out the seam between the <br />remaining existing pavement and new pavement reduced an abrupt change in elevation that <br />caused a rough riding surface. All of these adjustments were "field-fit" to accommodate <br />existing pavement that was preserved while removing the roundabouts. The total <br />placement of asphalt quantities was field verified onsite by truck tags received from the <br />trucking firms hauling asphalt to the site. The increase in quantity was determined to be <br />1,288.00 tons. <br /> <br />The asphalt quantity increase ($99,191.40) exceeded the contingency amount, however, the <br />City Manager authorized the change order to keep the project moving forward. <br /> <br />FISCAL IMPACT <br /> <br />With the transfer of funds recommended above, the amount of funds remaining in the <br />Annual Street Resurfacing budget for Fiscal Year 2006-07 is approximately $1,200,000. <br />The subject project will increase the amount of asphalt pavement area maintained by the <br />City by approximately 18,000 square feet and includes additional street striping throughout <br />the project limits. This pavement area will be incorporated into the City's pavement <br />management system for future maintenance. Annualized, staff anticipates additional <br /> <br />SR 06:267 <br />Page 3 of 4 <br />