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<br />VIII. CONCLUSION <br /> <br />The aspects of the proposal discussed in the staff report - Proposed Design Guidelines, Review <br />Procedures, and Planning Commission Notification - would work together to secure a high level <br />of design quality for the homes of the Serenity at Callippe Preserve Development in an expedi- <br />ent and efficient manner. Complete notification to the Planning Commission of the proposal <br />and of the Zoning Administrator's actions on these home designs would be provided. The pro- <br />posed design on Lot No, 8 designed by Terry Townsend, the development's consulting architect, <br />follows the proposed design guidelines. Staff believes that the above-described process for <br />these homes would come close to creating such a process within the present procedures set forth <br />by Section 18,20, Design Review, of the Pleasanton Municipal Code, <br /> <br />IX. STAFF RECOMMENDATION <br /> <br />Staff recommends the Planning Commission take the following actions for Cases No, PUD-99- <br />07-03M/PDR-579 to the City Council: <br /> <br />1. Recommend that the proposed modification, PUD-99-07 -03M, is covered by the previ- <br />ously approved Final Environmental Impact Report for Happy Valley Specific Plan and <br />forward to the City Council for action; <br /> <br />2. Recommend that the proposed modification, PUD-99-07-03M, is covered by the previ- <br />ously approved PUD development plan findings for PUD-99-07 and forward to the City <br />Council for action; <br /> <br />3. Recommend approval of the proposed modification, PUD-99-07-03M, subject to Exhibit <br />"B-1", Draft Conditions of Approval and forward to the City Council for action; <br /> <br />4. Approve Case No, PDR-579, subject to Exhibit "A" and Exhibit "B-2", Draft Conditions <br />of Approval. <br /> <br />Staff Planner: Jenny Soo, (925) 931-5615; email: <br /> <br />Case No. PUD-99-07-03M/PDR-579 <br /> <br />8 <br /> <br />Planning Commission <br />