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<br />I. BACKGROUND <br /> <br />On October 19, 1999, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 1793 for a residential develop- <br />ment plan, known as PUD-99-07 (TTK Partnership), consisting of 12 building sites, a public <br />equestrian/pedestrian trail, public streets and parking, and land area set aside for the municipal <br />golf course and permanent open space on an approximately 46.3-acre site located in the Happy <br />Valley Specific Plan study area on the south side of Happy Valley Road at the junction of <br />Happy Valley Road and Alisal Street. Included in the PUD approval was a set of design guide- <br />lines for the then production-custom homes, Condition of Approval No. 17 require the project <br />developer submit a material and color palette with the design standards of the Happy Valley <br />Specific Plan for approval to the City Council before approval of the first design review applica- <br />tion for the home covered this development. <br /> <br />Donald Babbitt/Heartwood Communities is now the developer of this 12-custom home commu- <br />nity. Mr. Babbitt has submitted detailed design guidelines for this 12-lot community, named Se- <br />renity at Callippe Preserve. He requests a major modification to the approval PUD to: I) use <br />the design guidelines for Heartwood Communities for a custom home development and to re- <br />place the 1999 design guidelines for production homes, and 2) to delete Condition of Approval <br />No. 17, thus, allow the design review process subject to the review and approval by the Zoning <br />Administrator. <br /> <br />Accompanied with this submittal is the design review application for Lot 8 of Serenity at Cal- <br />lippe Preserve, serving as an example for the development. <br /> <br />II. SITE DESCRIPTION <br /> <br />Serenity at Callippe Preserve (formerly known as the TTK Property) is located on the south side <br />of Happy Valley Road at the junction of Happy Valley Road and Alisal Street. It abuts the Cal- <br />lippe Preserve Golf Course to the east and to the south. The development consists of one inte- <br />rior street, Sanctuary Lane serving Lots 1-5 and Lots 10-12. A private road, Inspiration Terrace, <br />extends the street further south, providing access to Lots 6-9. <br /> <br />III. PROJECT DESCRIPTION <br /> <br />The applicant proposes the following: <br /> <br />1. Design guidelines for the 12 custom lots which include written text with diagrams, pho- <br />tographs, and drawings, providing clear concise direction for the future individual home- <br />owners at the Serenity at Callippe Preserve development. These guidelines will super- <br />cede the approved production home design guidelines. <br /> <br />Case No. PUD-99-07-03M/PDR-579 <br /> <br />2 <br /> <br />Planning Commission <br />