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<br />8. This approval does not guarantee the availability of sufficient water to serve the project. <br />The City shall withhold building permits for the project if at the time building permits are <br />applied for, mandatory water rationing is in effect, unless the City has adopted a water <br />offset program and unless the project developer is participating in the program. Notwith- <br />standing the project developer's participation in such a program, the City may withhold <br />building permits if the City determines that sufficient water is not available at the time of <br />application of building permits. <br /> <br />9. The project developer shall work with the Pleasanton Unified School District and the <br />City Planning Director to develop a program, in addition to the school impact fees re- <br />quired by State law and local ordinance, to off-set this project's long-term effect on <br />school facility needs in Pleasanton. This program shall be designed to fund school facili- <br />ties necessary to offset this project's reasonably related effect on the long-term need for <br />expanded school facilities to serve new development in Pleasanton. The method and <br />manner for the provision of these funds and/or facilities shall be approved by the City and <br />in place prior to approval of the final map. In no event shall construction commence <br />unless the above method and manner for the provision of these funds and/or facilities has <br />been approved by the City. <br /> <br />10. The building permit plan check materials will be accepted for submittal only after com- <br />pletion of the 20-day appeal period, measured from the date of the approval letter, unless <br />the project developer submits a signed statement acknowledging that the plan check fees <br />may be forfeited in the event that the approval is overturned on appeal, or that the design <br />is significantly changed as a result of the appeal. In no case will a building permit be is- <br />sued prior to the expiration ofthe 20-day time-period, <br /> <br />Planning Requirements: <br /> <br />11. Prior to first framing inspection, the height of the primary structure shall be surveyed <br />and verified as being in conformance to the approved building height of 12 feet for the <br />one-story potion and 29.5 feet for the two-story portion measured from the lowest grade. <br />That includes the height with the finish roof material and ridge caps, Said verification is <br />the project developer's responsibility and shall prior to receiving a foundation inspec- <br />tion for the structure, the applicant shall submit a pad elevation certification prepared <br />by a licensed land surveyor or registered civil engineer to the Chief Building Official and <br />Planning Director, certifYing that the pad elevations and building setbacks are pursuant <br />to the approved plans. <br /> <br />12, The proposed outdoor lighting for the subject property shall be of low intensity and <br />shielded in order to minimize its visibility from off-site. Outdoor lighting shall also not <br /> <br />SR:06:27l <br />Page 14 <br />