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<br />8. Building Materials: <br />The collection of individual buildings on the cul-de-sac should look uniform from a dis- <br />tance in terms of building materials. Individual buildings should appear authentic and <br />substantial in their construction. Materials and colors contribute significantly to these <br />characteristics. <br /> <br />a. Exterior Walls: <br />Materials, design, and detailing should be carried through to all four sides of the <br />structure. <br /> <br />. Colors: <br />Exterior building base colors should consist of warm, medium-light to me- <br />dium tones of ochre, sand, taupe, gray, beige, and tan. Colors should have <br />a reflectivity value of no greater than 30 percent, as specified by the manu- <br />facturer, Trim colors should be compatible with base colors and provide <br />only subtle contrast. <br />. Materials: <br />All buildings on each lot should have matching exterior stucco wall materi- <br />als, consisting of either plaster, stucco, stone, or manufactured stone of the <br />highest quality and authenticity. <br />. Changes in Materials: <br />Exterior walls should generally be the same from the ground to the roof ex- <br />cept for treatments around dOOljambs and windows. A change in material <br />around the base is not permitted. <br /> <br />b. Roof Materials: <br />All of the buildings located on this cul-de-sac including accessory structures <br />should have similar roof materials consisting of either slate, authentic manufac- <br />tured slate, or concrete tile. Colors should consist of solid medium-warm gray and <br />brown tones of a flat, non-reflective nature. <br /> <br />c. Chimneys: <br />Chimney articulation should be refined similar to door and window opening sur- <br />rounds. Chimneys may either be constructed of stone, brick, or the same material <br />and color as the exterior walls of the building. Chimneys are encouraged to be lo- <br />cated at the ends of buildings, centered on the roof peak. <br /> <br />d. Opening Articulation: <br /> <br />. Where provided around openings, expressed lintels, jambs, and sills should <br />either be set flush to the exterior building walls or may consist of embedded <br />trim that may project up to one-half inch for lintels and jambs and one-inch <br />for sills, <br /> <br />IR 06:035 <br />Page 5 of 12 <br />