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<br />measured vertically from the average elevation of the ground to the mean height of the <br />gabled roof. The total height of the home addition when measured from grade to ridge <br />would be 36 feet. <br /> <br />The new two-story detached accessory structure would have a 3.25-foot north (left) side <br />yard setback, a 3.32-foot south (right) side yard setback and a 5-foot rear yard setback. <br />The height of the proposed structure would be 29 feet tall when measured from grade to <br />ridge. Staff notes that while, per code, height measurements for primary structures can be <br />measured vertically from the average elevation of the ground level to the coping of a flat <br />roof, or to the mean height between eaves and ridges for a hip, gable or gambrel roof, the <br />same does not apply for accessory structures. Accessory structures are measured from the <br />lowest grade to the highest point of the structure. <br /> <br />The proposed project would result in a 60.5% floor area ratio (FAR) on the approxi- <br />mately 6,693 square-foot lot. <br /> <br />VARIANCES REQUIRED <br /> <br />(A) A reduction in the south (right) side yard setback from the required 5 feet to the ex- <br />isting 3.85 feet. <br /> <br />(B) An increase in the height of an accessory structure from 15 feet to 29 feet. <br /> <br />(C) An increase in the floor area ratio from 40% to 60.5%. <br /> <br />Subsequent to sending out the public notice for this project, it came to staffs attention <br />that the proposed second story addition on the north (left) side would not have the re- <br />quired side yard separation between the neighboring home. Per the municipal code <br />(P.M.C. 918.84.100), a 17-foot side yard separation between two structures is required <br />when only one of them is in excess of fifteen feet in height, in other words, between a <br />one-story and a two-story home. The side yard separation comes into effect at the time of <br />initial construction or when a home addition encroaches further into the setback than does <br />the existing main structure, as is the case of the proposed second-story addition. The ex- <br />isting side yard separation between the applicant's existing home and the neighbor's one- <br />story home to the north of the subject property is approximately 15.5 feet. The second <br />story addition would encroach an additional 2.5+ feet into the side yard separation. In or- <br />der to process the application, the existing side yard separation would need to be retained, <br />or a variance would need to be granted to further reduce the required side yard separation. <br />Because staff was tardy in identifying this conflict, proper noticing for this variance was <br />unable to occur before the variance hearing today (September 15,2005). Upon discussing <br />, the various options available, the applicant decided to have project approval conditioned <br />on reducing the second-story addition to remain flush with the existing home instead of <br />re-noticing the project and postponing the hearing. <br /> <br />Case No. PV-131IPADR-1338 <br /> <br />Page 20f6 <br /> <br />September 15, 2005 <br />