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<br />accessory structures to be built on what are traditionally smaller lots that both meet the <br />consumer preferences of contemporary families as well as retain the character of the <br />Downtown Community. Although not yet codified in the Pleasanton Municipal Code, the <br />City has viewed such variance requests within the Downtown Revitalization District with <br />more leniency than elsewhere in the City. Such variance requests are not given 'by right' <br />but evaluated on a case-by-case basis taking into account such factors as the shape and <br />size ofthe lot, as well as the design, massing and siting of proposed structures. When <br />supportable conditions are met, staff has been able to make the findings to moderately <br />increase the FAR. <br /> <br />Staff believes the design, massing and siting of the proposed project are compatible with <br />the character of the Downtown Community and have reduced impacts to neighboring <br />properties. For the reasons cited above, staff is able to make the findings supporting the <br />variances for Case Number PADR-1338!PV-13I to extend a non-conforming side yard <br />setback, to increase the height of an accessory structure to 20.5 feet, and to increase in the <br />floor area ratio ofthe subject lot to 45%. <br /> <br />STAFF RECOMMENDATION <br /> <br />Staff recommends that the Planning Commission take the following actions: <br /> <br />1. Make the required findings as listed on pages 11-13 of the staff report for the re- <br />quested variances to the standards of the Pleasanton Municipal Code; and <br /> <br />2. Approve Case Number PADR-1338!PV-13I subject to the conditions of approval <br />listed in Exhibit B. <br /> <br />Staff Planner: Leslie Mendez, (925) 931-5611, <br /> <br />Item 6.b. PADR-/338/PV.13/ <br /> <br />Page 14 of 14 <br /> <br />September 27, 2006 <br />