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year for which a fee should be charged. It should then report to the Finance <br />Director by December 31 of each year as to the changing costs of providing <br />services and/or the proposed new fees and the basis for each. It is not necessary <br />for the department to report to the Finance Director on fees for which the only <br />changes are basic inflationary changes. This directive is not intended to preclude <br />depaxtments bringing forth recommended adjustments at other times if State law <br />or other circumstances make mid-year changes appropriate. <br /> <br />2. Finance Director annual report to Manager/Council, <br /> <br />The Finance Director shall review the proposed fee changes and/or additions or <br />deletions suggested by each department and report to the Manager and CouncA <br />as part of the annual budget cycle on proposed changes. At this time, the <br />Finance Director shall propose across the board adjustments to fees for City <br />salary increases and other inflatie--_ry impacts. <br /> <br />3. Periodic review of 0vCrh~d cost 'cati0n~, <br /> <br />Every five years the Finance Dire,. :ar shall analyze or cause to be analyzed the <br />overhead and departmental management costs allocated to each fee. <br /> <br />4. Annual master fee schedule adjustment. <br /> <br />To facilitate annual adjustment, the City shall annually adopt a new master fee <br />s6hedule. The City Attorney shall propose any new fee ordinances in a manner <br />consistent with this intent, and revise any ordinances existing requiring such <br />adjustment so that the amount of the fees can be changed with a single new <br />resolution each year. <br /> <br />DAMAGE REIMBURSEMF~NT <br /> <br />1. Overall basis for chanzes. <br /> <br />The City will charge the person who has damaged, destroyed, or taken City <br />property for the cost to the City to process the incident and to replace that item <br />or items with a comparable new item which conforms to current City policies for <br />the purpose the item serves, or to repair the item to a state comparable to its state <br />at the time of the incident. Where the item damaged, destroyed, etc. was a <br />vehicle, the City charges will not exceed the cost to replace the vehicle with a <br />comparable vehicle of similar capabilities and use, plus its processing costs. All <br />costs incurred by the City shall be included in the time and materials charged to <br />the perpetrator, including time to determine the nature and extent of the problem, <br />time to determine the most effective way to restore the previous situation, time <br />to handle the parties involved, court costs and time if needed, staff report <br />preparation time, and the reasonable costs allocated to these direct expenses to <br />cover their pro-rata share of direct supervision, management, support facilities, <br />equipment used in the repair, the general City overhead. <br /> <br />City of Pleazanton <br />Fee Policy <br /> <br />Page 4 May 1992 <br /> <br /> <br />