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F20LL_._ CALL VOTE <br />AYESe Commi ssi one_rs Ser~~ger and Chai rman Mi ehel ott i <br />NOES=L'ommi ssi on ers Hor era ~ Hovi r~gt-t and Mat-ecrn <br />ABSENT a None <br />AB'.3TA:l:Np IVone <br />A moti or> was made by Commi ssi on er Ivlah ern ~ sec ondad by <br />Commi ssi on er Horan finding cheat the proposed deval op ment i s <br />consi st..ent wi th the Caen eral F'1 ar> and rec ommendi ng approval of <br />Al ~ sa_tb _ject to the conditions o-F the staff r-ep ort <br />with the additional conditions as not ad by staff and as4ei nq for <br />the realignment of Lot 3 to gi va the pad placement a hi cyher <br />position up the hi 1 1 and st i pul ati ng that there must be <br />different set-b aci-::s for tl-ie pad houses for Lots ~~ and :3_ <br />ROLL CALL=VOTE <br />AYE_SC Commi ssi on ers Horan and Mah ern <br />NOES= Commi ssi on ers Berger ~ Hovi ngh and Chairman <br />Mi chel ott i <br />ABSENT--: None <br />ABS'TA I IV a None <br />F=:eso'1 t_ati on IVo_ F='C--89--96 was antr=r ad and adopted denyi ng Gase <br />F•UD-E3 F3- Y 6 as mr~t i on ad _ <br />'T'he appl i cant was advi seal he has i v days i n which to appeal the <br />dac=i-si on to C:i ty Council. <br />FtZ~89-1 1,~- Cif of P1 easanton <br />Application of the City of Pleasanton to prey one an <br />approximately 246 scree site (Shadow C1 if~fs F2egi ona2 ParFc> <br />1 oc at ed on the south si de of Stand ey Houl evard approx i metal y <br />2200 feet west of the inter section of Stand ey Houl evard and <br />Valley Avenue to the ••P•' (Public and Insti taati onal> District or <br />to any other aoni ng district consi scent wi th this Den er al P1 an _ <br />Mr_ Swift presented the staff report rec ort>mandi ng approval of <br />Case RZ-E39-1 l _ <br />Commi ssi oner Mahcorn a~F,ed for c 1 ar i -ff i cati on as to why the C:i ty <br />wants to pr e~a one this area and i f i t would have an af-f act on <br />Vi nayard Avenue. She as4sed i i= i t wou:L d st i l l be part of the <br />East T=iay Fiagi oral Par4c Di stri ct_ Mr.. Swa.ft clarified the <br />si tt--eat i on , and said i t would not have an of f-ect on Vineyard <br />Avr~n ue ~ and that the area would sti 1 1 be part of the East Bay <br />F•arF: Di stri ct_ <br />Th~_„g,ubl lc-hT,~ari n_-g-_w~s,_ open ~d_ <br />Bu~~ Mo>eon, 1700 Vineyard Avent_ee~ ast::ed what the pr e~orti ncq <br />means ~ antl a:; pr-essad concern that the City would be g i vi ng t_ap <br />control of any bt_ti 1 di ng or growth i n this parts: he wondered i f <br />Faye '7 <br />_._.. <br />_T_ <br />