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C Yaai rmari E[er gEZ r- ashced i. f- there i s s-t i. '1 1 conc.[=r-n ~a trout any s-1 i de <br />areas on the. west side of F'-ooth i 1 1 i-.oaci _ Mr _ Swi f't sai ci tl-aat i 5 <br />sti l l a c=oncer-n, however ~ that i. s toci nG addr es=_;ed as furtl-ear <br />d Ervt=1 op m[~r-i 't ta4=:as pl ac as_ St abi :L i ty m[=~asa~r es wi 11 ba tw4=: erg _ <br />T Fi ~,.,___p ub._1 i c_ tosari n~c .._ogen ed. <br />Mi ka k,l i. mt,.r~t . =::142 F=oothi. 1 1 Road , sai. d t-ae i. s repro=sent i ng a <br />number- o~E resi dents on F'"oo-thi 1 1 F"totad _ Sec sure of the 1 eta hour ., <br />most of tt-[ern had to leave. He pr esentad a tran sp err ancy view and <br />a I'iandot_tt wi th a number-- o-f si gnata_t r-e~~ _ Mr _ k:1 i merat =_at at ed 'tha-t <br />he and the pr=:op1 e he i. s repres e[-tti raq opposE! any tt-iaugt-.t of <br />rnaFzi ng a -f our- lane F=anthill Road, but favor improvernan is or-a a <br />two 1 anew road. 'ThE~zy ob,j ec-t to any removal of Heri tags= trees: <br />'they f<=el -t_hat sevEre grading would ba necessary far <a four 1<_an cr <br />ro~-ad. If wi dened ~ soma e:: i sti r~G st e=_:; would 1-~ave to be <br />r-emoved. They felt t_ha environmental impact would be dr-as'tic <br />with four lanes and that traffic i.ncr as se to the new I-6L3~~ <br />entrance on St on ar-i dge would be dr-amriti c . Mr _ H:1 i. mE=ra 't suggF_~sted <br />th<it because of the 1 at'.e hour that. i. t. would be beat 'to c_onti ryue <br />the mE=. [-.a't :i. rig tc~ sc~cnF ot=i'iar- date_ He noted that if grading wer-[= <br />d ona~ to accommod etc a four 1 erne road tYa ~~-t. a ret ai. ni ng wa1 1 woa_al d <br />have 'L-o be :installed on his pr opcrty and also on the S't ernes <br />pr op ert y_ He t!-sought. i {= tl--[a r-oad i s wi dened much beyor'ad what i t <br />is now., tt't a't 'the al char act car of t1-~ca arras woa_ald b<~ <br />dr~•ast i c_al 1 y char~gad _ <br />Mr _ Swift no•t ed that the amount o{: dirt that would have to be <br />moved a. f- the road i s wi den ed to -f our- 1 ernes has not bean <br />calculated. Some Heritac)e trees would have to be removed. <br />Mr _ k=:1 i rnen t= said that of the bC! r-esi dances pot 1 ad 3Cr to 1 <br />prof erred to have. F-oothi 1 1 Road ramai n two 1 erne=_;. Tt-aey find tl-ae <br />current p:1 an a_t r'tac c_c-=ptable and r-aq oast -t twat tYaa pl a+'~ be redone to <br />ace ommociat: r=+ two lanes. He o{=f cr ed to be on a c_ommi ttee -to <br />aszi st stc~f f i n any way_ He thought the ben of i. ts~ of a 'two 1 erne <br />road wool d o Sava the= Her i tags trees: 7 e~ave a>c i. st i. ng e~tr[..a c:ture:s <br />as i. s: and road cost would be reduced _ <br />David C~1 enr7 ., 3b°i4 F-ooth i 1 1 Road ., was concerned about the 1 ors of <br />trees i. f ~F our :t ernes area i. r~stal 1 ed _ He said there are many trees <br />of var-i oa..a~ sia_as that. would Yasuo to be rernovcd ~i o-_ err-~ F-1 a-•ri-t acq~ <br />trer=s wi. th at 1 east three of them at Raccoon 1-iol 1 ow. 1-ie <br />suggested that staff and the C:ommi >;i on go to Sunol Ftio~~d early <br />i n tree morn i nc7 i f they want to sea P'aow a four 1 erne road wocal d <br />of f Ea c-t tr-af -f i c on F--oothi 1 1 Road _ He thought four 1 ernes d <br />d ear-ease serf e-ty rather than i ncr-ea sa i t as -t r-af -f i c wool. d morel y <br />i.ncr-ease. He felt that 'the rural char actor o{= F=oothill FT r_~ad <br />would be destroyed by fo[_ar lanes man ci stressed that the <br />Commis^_i. on consider thr:. i. r- loci ~i.on car of c.ally_ <br />1"1 Z N U -!" E S <br />F'LAIV N Y N[3 COMMISSION <br />F'age ~?b <br />