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would have to be removed wi. th any Bevel op ment that woui d go i n _ <br />As far as par4r.i ng i s concerned , i t i s consi. der ed to be ad eq oasts <br />for- the f aci 1 i ty; they si mp2 y Piave a "nodding" agr earnest wi -t ha a <br />nEarby par-t: i ng ar-as~~a -P or sp or ad i a. use of thci r par-4=: :i ng 1 of _ <br />Commi ssi on er Horan question ed Mr _ Sh utts about the p 1 ac_ernent and <br />use of -L-he T_ V_ far a semi--pri-vats room: wh at her ad_ioi ni nq r-oom~~ <br /> to have two bathrooms: and wh e-ther sc-wer cap ac_ity was <br />ad egLaate for- -the si to _ 1"t r- _ S'h utts r-_+>:pl ai recd t1-~at i t_ i s a State <br />1 aw that each room must heave its separate ba't hr-oom for- privacy <br />!sa4::eq I-ae deferred tl'ie questi ors of sewer capacity for tl'~is <br />facility in cornpari son to office use to Mr_ Swift_ <br />Mr _ Swi -f -tt e>:pl ai ned 'that a comment had been made that sewer <br />capacity mi qh-t not be sufficient for a faeili-ty of the proposed <br />natur-e i.n comparison to office use_ He said the City 1i-ne on <br />Mohr Avenue would have to be slightly e>cter-ided in order to serve <br />this si tc._ 'Lt has sufficient capacity for whatever flow would <br />come from this si tc=, wi-iether it be the proposed pr-o~ect or <br />of -f=ice use_ <br />The--_-p_ub 1 i_cā€ž__t~ear 3 n~-_wa~,__c 1 os~d _ā€ž- <br />Commi ssi oner Horan stated that he has checFv eci :i nt-o the rtaatt er of <br />affordability o-ff tl'ie proposed facility for c7.der- resides ts_ Ha <br />i s very f ami. 1 ar wi. th the of f-or-d ab i 1 i ty of the HUD sP or-~zor ed <br />I-ious:i ng i n F'1 easanton and has some Fcnowl edge o-f raon-HUD <br />sponsored housi ng i n F'ā€¢1 easanton such as F'1 easanton (3ar-Benz _ 1-ie <br />said people who lived in the HUD housing :indic_at ed they woa_a 7-d be <br />happy to 1 i ve i n such a f ac i 1 i ty as proposed _ In disc ussi ng the <br />pr`i ce with various people, Commi ssicr'~cr Horan was cor~v ad that <br />the proposed facility waz not on this hai yh end of the scale, but <br />ir-a the mod er eta ranc,3e_ It appears to hirn tt-aat people- are <br />overl oo4=:i ng the fact that tt'ae facility must maL.:e a profit in <br />order -t c:a FNeep op ar at:i ng _ He felt that nobody mi nd~~ that- a <br />doctor- maF: es money so why sh oul d they mi- nd i f° the prop oz ed <br />'f ac i. 1 i'ty ma4-es a profit _ <br />Commi ssi on er Hor'an zai d he would 1 i. 4se for Mrs_ Flu to consi der <br />setti nc,3 asi de at 1 cast 1<~ percent of tabs rooms for 1 ow i r-~c ome <br />people, with the City wor4::i ng with her to ss Lab si di e therta_ Ha <br />felt that 'the cost of the room=_~ was riot out of 1 i ne , as c=~ucl-i a <br />room i r-i New Vor k: would be i n the area of =#=1 , SC~Cr_ Has al so c9i d <br />not think that the view of Mt.. Di<ab.lo should be ar-a issue in <br />building the facility_ Ha concluded that he does support the <br />project.. <br />Commi s51 oner Mc--Gui r-~ spol<:e of hii s own par entz who 1'~e not i cad are <br />not anti ng as much or walking as mucl-a as tl-~ey ye=t older.. Ha <br />felt that the proposed f aci 1 i ty provi cics enough wal L=:i rrg ar as for <br />the r-esi dcn-ts, especially since some will do very little <br />wal Fiing_ Ha was concerned aboLat the term of st acki ncJ" that was <br />used in refer-once to any crowding of rani dentz_ Ha pointed ou-t <br />M I NUT ES <br />F='LANN I NC-a CC7MM i S'S I OIV <br />July '=°-+, 199t'_> <br />F'age 19 <br />