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l oc ati on_ He said ha was opposr=d to tl-t c+ •~t ac4::i ng" of elderly <br />poop 1 e i n the pr op os a<_i f ac-:i 7. i ty _ He 'thought tYtat s~t_a~P {' cr>mmar~ts <br />w ae r'ta p~wrti al t.a tha+a errs i~r_t .. Haw farolt 't t•)attt tt•t aw riwi ghka canc~~c:ad <br />should have-a been notif ir=+ci t~E?f C)r E: 't Olll cght s meet_i ng_ F-le felt tl-tat. <br />even tt'ta owner of the proposed facility must tt'ti nM. the area is <br />no-t large en oa_agh for- ad ag oats par-king as they are nec7ati ati ng <br />for additional. par L=.i rtg near by_ }: rt reg<ard -to traffic, 1-te tl-t oa..a c~Yat <br />that o~Ff i. cas would rtot create as much traf ~f i c as 'the fac_ i 1 i ty <br />woa..a l.d_ In L~ddi ti on, he felt there woa_-ald be more ambc-al ar'tces <br />goi ng through -Chart staff anti rnat ed . He felt that -there i s ar't <br />e rtvi ron mental i sst_ae because the proposed strt_ac tore would block <br />tt'ta v:i aw of I••f -t _ Di ab2. a. I--la r-ai ter at ad that ha i s rtot opposed to <br />tt'ir=• facility tta just thought a differ-en-t loc atic~n would be <br />batter so -that -the r-esi dents could have a be=tier p 1 ac--a to wa1 F:: - <br />1"lar 4~ f'L t_lsSan , <'171 Mi ni vet Court , off Santa Ri to Road , s;aid Fta <br />supports tl'~a applicati-on. He spok:a of hi ~ par canal s:ituati or't <br />wh er-aas his wi f-a s par ants Ytad to move to P'1 secant on to be <br />near ar to thern_ l"hey era riot i rtval i ds: however , they da need <br />he'1 p ~ Ha-' tt'taLlght at ~>Ofite pai, nt t'tl S 1 rt--1 aWS WOUl d W1 sh to 1 i. Ve <br />in a facility such as descr-i bed Corti ghte In addition., his <br />gr artd mot her 1 :i. ves i n a f-aci 1 i ty such a.s ttte proposed artd i s vary <br />happy 'thc=r-a_ HE= did not thi nt=: 'tr-a{: -pic would ba ir~cr-eased by <br />the far_'ilit:y; he did not thi nF: that the view o-f° Mt_ Iii ab'lo wot_-ald <br />be b'1 ocF=:ad any mare thian by the tal l t_raes in the ar-a~'~_ <br />C:ammi s•3 i- or'ter Hovi ngh disc ussed the matter' of a-f° f ordab i 1 i ty wi tt't <br />Mr. Ra_asson _ Mr _ Russon said a can val escan't home c_har-ge•~ ar-aund <br />:i~"._:, <_)n6, so the price of ~=1 ,9s)C) seemed vE:=ry reasonable to hi-m_ <br />t~wcn Mor-tda'1 1 y, a r-asi dent at G'r i sf i el d Lana , said she f al t the <br />vi aw o{' Mt _ I:>i abl o far the rtei ghb orFtood should be cor'tsi de=red.. <br />Hawe=vE,.r , her- rnai n conccr-n ab tl-ta proposed f aci 1 i'ty was tha'l-- <br />she felt: t:ha cost of rooms was too hic;h far what was available <br />for the residents. She gave some= comp ar prices of sirnilar- <br />f-ac:ilities in Li ver mores ~1 ,C~C)E3 for a st udi<:~: ~=1,531`-7 for a or-t c_ <br />bedroom , wi th nearby Medi cal Gent er- , c_ar wash , stares , etc <br />Another f-aci lity Chan car-r ot> char gad ~=E3~)~) -f=or a semi--pri va-t a: <br />~5?,<~~)V pri vitae Sha felt people on Social Security would not ba <br />able to 1 i ve i n the proposed faci :1 i ty_ She tt-toueght tl-tere sh ou}- d <br />ba mar-e wal k: i ny sPaca far the rani darns: she did rtot- thi rtF=: the <br />area o{= Mohr and N::al l n was a good area for rani dents i f -t Ftay <br />wi shed to wal 4:: _ She was al so opposed i_o tak: i ng out any of the <br />o'ld walnut trees on site; she also felt that the facility was <br />t.oo lary,a for- the si te_ <br />F'et er Shuns rat ur ned to the podi-~.am_ He wished to correct a <br />c_-amrnant of the number of meals per- day to 6a served as 27C), riot <br />4<'_>O. Ha felt that they need ad to rely on "TJt=::M far a <br />pr-of essi.onal traffic count i3rtd {=alt. i't was ar_cur-ata_ In r-eg~ir ci <br />to the wal rte--at trees , he noted they ar-e i n the- straa-t <br />r-i ght---of-way: in addi t_i on, they are no't in good <=ondi ti on and <br />M I NtJTES <br />PLAIV N I NG COMI"1 I SS I UN <br />July 2~, 1990 <br />F•age iS <br />