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C<:a rnmi ssi on er Mahern as4ced ataout the nearby Soa_athern Pac i f i. c <br />Ravi«d r-i gh t_-of-w<zY_ irlr_ Swift said this is not use-d anymore <br />grad it ice: not anticipate=d fr.~r ura use_ <br />Commi ssi on er McC7u i. r4~ asF~.ed staff wh a-t pr-ocean was used to <br />research what is needs=d {=or tl-ais parti.cul ar applicati on_ <br />Mr- _ Swift r-esp onded that >'t off has spoken at 1 c-ngth to many <br />oper-at ors of this type of -f=acili.ty. The application has also <br />been revi awed by 'the Human Services Commi ssi on and by the <br />Di.rec-tcar of F'arEcs and Community Services who has much e>:peri ens=e <br />in -these ma-ttars_ <br />Commi. »i on er Mc=C~ui r E, asF=:ed i. f- the rooms wi 1 1 be of f ordab 1 e for <br />most Eel der 1 y per-ss ores _ Mr _ Swift sai ci they wi. 1 1 be morn <br />e:epensi. ye than Ri. dge View Commons because 'the Gi ty subsi di es <br />thern_ 1--1e said the pr oP osad project would run ~taout ~9C>~> to <br />-~~J-,O~>t> for a sr=: rtri-private room: about ~1 ,S:t> for a pri vatca room_ <br />Corn rni ss:i on er- Horan -aai d that he i. s on the Hurnan Servi. ces <br />Commi ~=_. :i on : the Human Sar-v i- ces Commi ssi on endor sas the i nten-t of <br />the prep osed app 1 i cctiti on _ 1-le felt that the said Commi ssi. on i s <br />vary 4cnowl adgr=.:ab1 a i n mat ter-s of this net ure_ However , na was <br />c_cancer--ned ab ot_at affor clability ar~d sa_agge~~t ed consi der-atior~ of <br />~c~me 1 ow income rooms _ <br />Thy _~-ub_1--i c.---_ti~ar i-ng-___was __ op ~,ra~d -_ <br />1-mat ar Sh utts, archi tae-.t for the Project, rePr anent ed -the <br />applicati on_ Ha th an h:ed staff fear a diligent and complete <br />r ep ort_ Ha bri of ly a>:pl air-aed the project, noting t.hE'r-e is r-ao <br />-f-ac:i '1 :i ty of this type i. n F='1 easanton _ He. noted the ma>: i mum of <br />resi derits i s i. rat ended to be 9C> peop 1 e _ tie addressed -t-he traf f i c <br />rep or-t that TJk~M had conducted , stating -that the proposed <br />project is anti mat ad to goner ate iSC> dai'1 y i=rips as opposed to <br /><F 1 v g~rierat ed by office use i. n that arE=a_ Mr _ Sh offs felt that <br />the two pr op ose.:d par-k:i ng 1 ots wi 11 be suf f i c-i ent _ In regard to <br />1 an dsc_ap i. my , Mr _ Shutt<~ said the open sp ac.a i s 41 part ent of the <br />total ar ea_ As to t:he height of tt-ae proposed two-story <br />bui 1 di ng , he said i -t i s 1 ass than most of the two--st or-y 1'-romes i. n <br />t t-a e: area_ <br />Mr_ Sh utts fa_arthar' erpl ai ned that tt'ae facility is designed 'to <br />tiel p amba_al story el der-1 y people who Head help wi tt-a per sc~nal <br />hygiene, etc_ , and are not able to stay al one_ -1-here will be no <br />doc-IC Or- on s-t a-Pf however , a tr-~-ai Had st off person wi 1 1 Give the <br />residents any needed meth cati on_ A11 rooms ar-e t:ha same sire at <br />.=6C> square f t _ for each room, which i s higher th~sn States <br />st aridar-ds _ <br />There are no specific St at er eyui r-ements for outdoor green space: <br />the courtyard i s about one-f ourth acre wi th about i£3--2~ f t: _ of <br />MINV7 ES <br />F+L.ANN 1' NC-~ COh-IM I SS I CJN <br />July ~>:~, ivva <br />Page 1:~ <br />