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authorize, sanction, or support any strike, slowdown, stoppage of <br />work, curtailment of production, concerted refusal of overtime <br />work, refusal to operate designated equipment (provided such <br />equipment is safe and sound) to perform customary duties. Further <br />· neither the Association nor any representative thereof shall engage <br />in any job action for the purpose' of effecting changes in the <br />directives or decisions of management of the City, nor to effect a <br />change of personnel or operations of management or of employees not <br />covered by the Memorandum of Understanding. <br /> <br />26..1.2 (1) <br /> <br />The provisions of this Section shall not abridge any right to <br />which an employee may be entitled under the City Ordinance and <br />resolutions, nor shall it be administered in a manner which <br />would abrogate any power which may be within the sole province <br />and discretion of the City Council. <br /> <br />(2) <br /> <br />All grievance of employees in bargaining units represented by <br />the Association shall be processed under this section. <br /> <br />Section 27. Hedical Examination <br /> <br />In the event the Department Head or the City Manager determines <br />there is a necessity for a medical examination the employee shall <br />submit to such medical eXamination any time during such employee's <br />employment. Such examination shall be given by a physician <br />selected by the City and the full cost of such medical examination <br />shall be borne by the City as shall any additional medical <br />examination required by the City. Medical examinations required <br />under this section shall be scheduled to the extent possible during <br />the employee's work day. <br /> <br />Consistent with the above procedures an employee may be required to <br />undergo a psychological examination or evaluation if the physician <br />selected by the city determines such an examination or evaluation <br />is necessary. The employee shall be notified of the reason(s) for <br />the examination or evaluation. <br /> <br />The examinating psychologist shall provide the city a narrative <br />report describing his/her conclusions as to the employee's fitness <br />for duty. The specific information gathered by the psychologist <br />upon which his/her conclusions are based shall not be provided to <br />the city. The psychologist's report shall be kept confidential <br />according to the requirements of the state law. <br /> <br />Section 28, Physical or Mental Disabi~it¥ <br /> <br />If an employee has a physical or mental disability which <br />permanently or chronically disables the employee from the proper <br />performance of the duties of the employee's classification and if <br />the City is unable to reasonably accommodate the employee, the <br />employee shall be laid off and the employee's name placed on a <br />reemployment list for a period of twelve months in accordance with <br />Section 24.7 If during the twelve month period, the employee, <br /> <br />- 31 - <br /> <br /> <br />