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16.3 <br /> <br />16.4 <br /> <br />materials specialist (fire) shall be paid four-hundred dollars <br />($400.00) per year and shall be paid in one payment on the first <br />payday in April. <br /> <br />During the term of this agreement the City will investigate <br />providing uniforms to employees required to wear uniforms and <br />currently receiving a uniform allowance. If the city decides to <br />provide uniforms, the uniform allowance will be discontinued. If <br />the city begins providing uniforms before April 1, 1993, employees <br />eligible for a uniform allowance shall receive a prorated uniform <br />allowance. A decision to begin providing uniforms shall first be <br />reviewed with the PCEA. <br /> <br />Reimbursement for Damaged or Destroyed Personal Clothinq <br /> <br />Effective May 1, 1990 upon proper documentation the City will <br />reimburse employees up to a maximum of fifty dollars ($50.00) for <br />personal watches damaged in the proper performance of assigned <br />tasks. Except for employees enrolled in a health plan providing <br />vision care coverage, the City shall reimburse employees up to a <br />maximum of seventy five ($75.00) for the repair or replacement of <br />glasses damaged in the performance of assigned tasks except that <br />glasses damaged as a result of an industrial injury shall be <br />reimbursed under the city's worker's compensation insurance <br />program. <br /> <br />Exclusive of normal wear and tear, the City will reimburse <br />employees for the reasonable repair or replacement of their <br />personal clothing seriously damaged or destroyed in the perfor- <br />mance of assigned duties; provided, however, no such reimburse- <br />ment shall be made if the article(s) of clothing damaged or <br />destroyed is inappropriate for the work place; damaged or destroyed <br />as a result of the improper performance of the assigned work; <br />damaged or destroyed as a result of an industrial injury the latter <br />reimbursable under the City's worker's compensation insurance <br />program. <br /> <br />Boot Allowance <br /> <br />Effective May 1, 1990 the safety boot allowance policy shall be <br />amended to provide an annual allowance of one hundred dollars <br />($100.00). The allowance shall be used for the replacement or <br />repair of required safety boots. Effective May 1, 1992 the safety <br />boot allowance for street maintenance division employees shall be <br />increased an additional one hundred dollars ($100.00) for employees <br />needing a second pair of safety boots. <br /> <br />During the term of this agreement, the City shall investigate <br />providing safety boots to employees required to wear said boots. <br />If it deems appropriate, the City shall provide safety boots <br />following consultation with the PCEA and the boot allowance <br />discontinued. <br /> <br />- 21 - <br /> <br /> <br />