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Section 4. pCEA Representatives <br /> <br />The PCEA shall submit a list of the officers of the PCEA to the <br />City Manager and notify the City Manager in writing at such time <br />there are any changes in such PCEA officers. <br /> <br />PCEA members who are official reDresentatives of the PCEA shall be <br />given reasonable time off with pay. to attend meetings with <br />management representatives, to be present at hearings where such <br />matters within the scope of representation are being considered, <br />and to prepare for meet and confer sessions both prior to and <br />following said sessions. The use of duty time for this purpose <br />shall be reasonable and shall not interfere with the performance of <br />City services as determined by the City. No more than three (3) <br />PCEA members shall be considered official PCEA representatives for <br />the purposes of this paragraph. On or about January_ 15 of each <br />year the PCEA shall submit in writing to the Personnel Officer a <br />list of three (3) official PCEA representatives. The list-of <br />official PCEA representat.ives may be amended by the PCEA providing <br />all such amendments are made in writing and submitted to the <br />Personnel Officer. <br /> <br />Section 5. City Riqhts <br /> <br />The rights of the city include, but are not limited to, the <br />exclusive right to determine the mission of its constituent <br />departments, commissions and boards; set standards of service; <br />determine the procedures and standards of selection for employment <br />and promotion; direct it's employees, take disciplinary action, <br />relieve it's employees from duty because of lack of work or for <br />other legitimate reasons; maintain the efficiency of governmental <br />operations; determine the methods, means and personnel by which <br />government operations are to be conducted; determine the content of <br />job classifications; take all necessary actions to carry out its <br />mission in emergencies; to exercise complete control and discretion <br />over its organization and the technology of performing its work. <br /> <br />Section 6. Salaries <br /> <br />Salary &d~ustments <br /> <br />Effective May 2, 1992, the salary ranges of all classifications <br />represented by the association shall be increased five percent <br />(5%). <br /> <br />The salary ranges for all employees in the general employees' unit <br />effective May 2, 1992 are as as set forth in Appendix A attached. <br />The ranges set forth in Appendix A represent, for each <br />classification, the standard rate of pay for full time employment <br />and represent the total compensation due employees, except for <br />overtime compensation and other benefits specifically provided by <br />the City. <br /> <br />- 7 - <br /> <br /> <br />