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e) Install Filter materials <such as sarxdbags, filter fabric:, etc.) at the storm drain inlet <br />nearest the do wnstrcanz side of the project site in order io retain any debris or dirt <br />flowing in the stone drain system. Mai stain and/or replace falter materials to <br />ensure effectiveness and to prevent street flooding. <br />f] Create a contained and covered area on Lhe site for the storage of bags, cement, <br />pat nis, oils. fertilizers, pesticides. or other materials used on the site that have the <br />potential of being discharged into the stone drain sy stein through being <br />windblown or in the event cif a material spill. <br />g~ Never clean i-nachincry, equipment, tools, brushes, or rinse containers into a <br />street, gutter, or storn~x drain- <br />h) unsure that concrete/gunite supply trucks or concrete/plaster operations do not <br />discharge wash water into street, ~;uttcrs, or stone drains- <br />Stormwater Operation Reuuirements <br />98- All prc>jecls, unless otherwise determined by the City I?ngineer or Chief 13 uilding <br />Official, sha71 enter into a recorded Stormwater Trcatxnent Measures hZSpecti oil and <br />Maintenance Agreement fir ongoing mat ntenancc and reporting of required stonnwater <br />measures. These ineasures stay include, but are not limited to: <br />a) A mechanism shall be created, such as a property owners association, to be <br />responsible for maintaining all private streets, private utilities and other privately <br />owned common areas and facilities on the site including stormwater treatn~c-nt <br />measures- These niainten epee x-csponsibilitics shall include implementing the <br />maintenance plan, which is attached to the Stonnwater Treatment Meas uses <br />lnspcction and Maintenan cc Agreement. This document shall be reviewed by the <br />City Attorney's O£13ce and recorded with the final a-iap. <br />b) On-site storm drain inlets clearly marked and maintained with the. woreis "No <br />Dumping Drains to riay-'• <br />c) Proper inaintcnance of landscaping, with ininin~al pesticide and fertilizer use- <br />d) )/n sure wastewater front vehicle and equipment washing operations is not <br />discharged to the storm drain system. <br />e) t:nsure that no person shall dispose cam{ xzor pcrxYiit the disposal. dire c;tly or <br />indirectly, of vehicle fluids, hazardous materials or rinse water ti-om cleaning <br />tools., cquipnient or parts into stone drains. <br />f~ Clean all on-site storm drains at least twice a year with one cleaning; ixn iriediately <br />prior to the rainy season. The City niay require additional cleanings- <br />1 5 <br />