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shall be abandoned per City Standard Spccitications. "fhc project developer slxall submit <br />a revised utility plan to the City En ginecr for review axed approval prior to the issuance of <br />a building permit. <br />69. The proposed eight-inch water line on Gibraltar Drive to the fire sprinkler bacldlow <br />device shall be upgraded to a ] 2-inch line. A new six-inch fire line shall tic the relocated <br />fire hydrant to this new later- The prgjcct developer shall submit a revised utility plan to <br />the City Engineer for review and approval prior to the issuance of a building permit- <br />Urbar- Stormwater Runoff Reciuirem eats <br />Stormwater Design Keguirenients <br />70. The project shall comply with the Alameda Countywide NPDES Permit ##CA50029831, a <br />copy of which is available at the City offices- <br />71 . The following requirements shall be incorporated into the project <br />a~ The project developer shall submit a final grading and drainage plan prepared by a <br />licensed civil engineer depicting al] final grades and on-site drainage control <br />measures including bio-swales. lrrigated bio-swales shall be redesigned as needed to <br />the satisfaction of the City Engineer to optimize the amount of the storm water <br />running off the paved surface that enters the bio-swale at its most up strea~ri end- This <br />plan shall be subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer prior to the <br />issuance of any building permits_ <br />b) In addition to natural controls the project developer rrxay be required to install a <br />structural control, such as an oil/water separator, sand filter, or approved equal din the <br />p arcing loth ion the situ to intercept and pre-treat storm water prior to reaching the <br />storm drain- The design, locations, and a schedule for maintaining the separator shall <br />be submitted to the City Engineer/C=hief Building Official for review and approval <br />prior to issuance of building per~rxits. The structural control shall be cleaned at least <br />twice a year: once immediately prior to October 15 and once in January. "fhe project <br />developer shall enter into a maintenance agreement for the oil/water separator. <br />c) The project developer shall submit sizing designs criteria to treat stonawater runoff at <br />the ti nee of plan subn~ittal_ <br />d) Landscaping shall be designed to minimize irrigation and runoff promote surface <br />int3ltration where appropriate, and minimize the use of fertilizers and pestxcidcs that <br />can contribute to stormwater pollution. <br />i) Structures shall be designed to discourage the occurrence aad entry of pests into <br />buildings, thus »-xinimizing the need for pesti cides_ <br />10 <br />