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General Plan Amendments. <br />I. The Pleasanton General Plan shall be amended. For the purpose of this initiative, the General <br />Plan referred to is the General Plan in effect on the date of submission of the text of this initiative <br />to the City for preparation of a ballot title and summary., and shall include the General Plan map. <br />All subsequent references are made to the Pleasanton General Plan unless otherwise indicated. <br /> <br />In the Land Use Element, the following changes are made: <br /> <br /> · · <br />Policy 2. n ....~ .......~ ....;,_ ;_ ;,gn ,,,~ _~,4_t,~,,i ..,t,:~, "~: .....*~ ex:at:ng <br /> ...... ~, .......,,. ....~ ..........,.,,,- ~,,,, ,~,,,,,,,.. areas .....,,., is ,.,.j,.,, ....,,, <br />"~";'~"*;^~ '~ .... ~ ..... * Develop new housing in infill and peripheral areas which are adjacent <br />to residential development provided that the new housing preserves the desired small town <br />atmosphere of Pleasanton, has adequate infrastructure of all categories provided in advance of <br />the approval of the project, does not interfere with the provision of current and future facilities <br />required by Pleasanton, and does not negatively impact the quality of life of the city, as <br />understood bv the residents of Pleasanton. <br /> <br />Program 2 17 .......... ;.;:,,, ~; .... + ,~.~;.; .............. ,~ .... , ......... ~,a ........ ;_~ .~.^ <br />~' ........ ; ........ '~; ....... Zone vacant infill sites for densities and uses that encourage <br />development that meets the needs of Pleasanton for the present housing, commercial, office, <br />industrial and agricultural space and public facilities in and the future. Any Pleasanton General <br />Plan Amendment, including the adoption or change of a Specific Plan, that increases the <br />maximum allowable number of dwelling units permitted to be built by ten or more shall be <br />submitted to a vote of the people of P!easanton, and shall not be permitted without an approval of <br />the majority of those voting. <br /> <br /> New Program 2.2 Any proposed development plan or Planned Unit Development (P.U.D) or <br /> similar planning device that is used in such a manner as to be construed as legislative in nature, <br /> involving ten or more dwelling units, shall not be permitted without the prior approval of the <br /> voters of Pleasanton. Any proposed development agreement used in a legislative manner or any <br /> other legislative act of the City Council or other City agency which would confer vested <br /> development fights for a proposed development often or more dwelling units shall not be <br /> permitted without the prior approval of the voters of P!easanton. <br /> <br /> New Program 2.3 Any rezoning of one or more parcels, or any change in the permitted uses or <br /> regulations on property within particular zones or city-wide, that results in an increase in the <br /> maximum allowable number of dwelling units permitted to be built by ten or more dwelling units <br /> shall be submitted to a vote of the people of Pleasanton, and shall not be permitted without an <br /> approval of the majority of those voting. Any prezoning or land use agreement coveting <br /> unincorporated territory outside the City's limits that will apply to such property in the event of <br /> subsequent annexation shall be submitted to a vote of the people of P!easanton, and shall not be <br /> permitted without an approval of the majority of those voting. <br /> <br /> New Program 2.4. For the purpose of this initiative, dividing a development that would <br /> otherwise require a vote of the people into partial developments that will not by themselves <br /> require a vote of the people will not be permitted to frustrate the intention of the people to have <br /> voter control over significant developments. If, within any three-year period, any individual or <br /> corporation, partnership, joint venture or combination thereof, with any common ownership, <br /> <br /> <br />