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In 1986, the General Plan Circulation Element modified the Foothill <br />Road lane width between Muirwood South and Bernal Avenue to a three <br />lane configuration (two lanes plus turn lane); the lane width from <br />Stoneridge Drive to Muirwood South was retained as four lanes, <br />divided. The General Plan does not contain any street widths; it <br />simply designates lanes and specifies that streets meet the City's <br />design standards. The General Plan describes the Foothill Road <br />corridor as a high quality, rural character area. It also <br />designates Foothill Road as a major part of the City's bicycle <br />network. <br /> <br />The City is in the process of completing a soundwall and <br />pedestrian/bike path along the developed, medium density eastern <br />side of the roadway. The sidewalk here "meanders," in places <br />monolithic with the roadway, in places separated by a narrow <br />planter. The landscaping along this eastern, developed side has <br />been redone to eliminate the prior species which were of an urban <br />character and to replace them with trees and shrubs more indigenous <br />and in keeping with the street's rural character. Overhead power <br />lines unlikely to be undergrounded in the near future limit the <br />height and spread of the trees along this portion of the road. <br /> <br />Aliqnment Study <br />Because the City has been receiving development applications along <br />this portion of Foothill Road, the time was ripe for preparing a <br />new alignment study based on today's sensibilities with regards to <br />Foothill Road and the 1986 General Plan lane configurations. The <br />City hired MacKay and Somps, civil engineers, to assist staff in <br />preparing an alignment study. This work has be~n completed and is <br />before the City decision-making bodies for review. <br /> <br />The Foothill Road alignment study is one of several studies which <br />are, to a more or less extent, interrelated. The City has <br />completed a Sphere of Influence andAnnexation Feasibility Study of <br />those lands above the 670 ft. elevation contour westerly of <br />Foothill Road. Development and access determinations can affect <br />Foothill Road's design, but those decisions are not expected until <br />completion of a citizens' committee review. The City recently <br />adopted a corridor overlay district setting development standards <br />along the western edge of Foothill Road. And the City has <br />contracted with Cordoza Dilallo Harrington to prepare a conceptual <br />landscape plan for Foothill Road which would achieve the "rural <br />character" goal. The annexation feasibility study, overlay <br />district, and alignment study (in process) were reviewed by the <br />Planning Commission and City Council at a joint study session on <br />April 2, 1990. That meeting was dominated by discussion of the <br />Pleasanton Ridge issues, with little comment on the proposed <br />alignment for Foothill Road. <br /> <br />Neighborhood Meeting <br />On Thursday, July 19', 1990, staff met with neighbors abutting <br />Foothill Road to show them the draft plan, including the individual <br /> <br />SR91:52 4 <br /> <br /> <br />