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18 <br /> <br /> The County has not yet defined its HHW public education program. Pleasanton will <br />implement and enhance the County's program on the city level, as appropriate. Pleasanton plans <br />to advertise the County's permanent HHW facility after it is completed, and to disseminate <br />educational materials regarding HHW to schools and residences. <br /> <br />Program Implementation <br /> <br /> The Authority will administer and fund the countywide education and public information <br />program. The County Department of Environmental Health wffi operate the program. Schedules <br />for the implementation of Pleasanton's HHW public education and information programs are <br />presented in Figure 1. Costs of the County's program are included in the overall plan. Revenues <br />wffi be obtained through tipping fees. Please refer to the Funding section. <br /> <br />Monitoring and Evaluation <br /> <br /> The criteria for evaluating education and public information programs will be the <br />achievement of the short- and medium-term objectives described earlier in this chapter. The <br />overall effectiveness of the education and public information program will be assessed based <br />upon the level of awareness and level of participation of the target audience. <br /> <br /> To monitor achievement of specific objectives related to increased awareness, the County <br />Department of Environmental Health will conduct random sample surveys by mail, telephone, <br />or in public malls or shopping areas. The surveys will focus on the public's awareness of HHW <br />management programs offered by the County. <br /> <br /> The countywide permanent facility will keep track of the total number of participants from <br />each city and provide quarterly or semi-annual reports to all cities. The reports will include <br />information on the nnmber of participants and the amount of HHW collected from a particular <br /> <br />Program Monitoring and Reporting Schedule <br /> <br /> Progress reports prepared by the permanent facilities will be used to evaluate the <br />effectiveness of the program. Public surveys will be conducted in 1994 and 1999 to determine <br />whether the programs need to be redirected in order to meet the goals established for 1995 and <br />2000. <br /> <br />Measures to be Implemented if There is a Shortfall <br /> <br /> In the event that the objectives are not being achieved, the scope of some of the programs <br />described above would need to be increased. The most probable area of increased emphasis <br />would be the media campaign and business and community outreach programs. These programs <br />could most easily be expanded and used to target the designated group by geography or other <br />significant characteristics to improve awareness of participation. <br /> <br />City. of Pleasanton <br />Printed on recycled paper yn~4z~ptr~A~AsT, s~4wJu, r <br /> <br /> <br />