<br />The t:ity of Pleasanlon supports pf'ublic awareness tloo<hcontrol programs sponsored by the
<br />Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and desires 10 inert'a", puhlic awan'nt'SS
<br />ahout fioodine ,11" >"l'l'ud"J Gy tl,,, City uf rk"Muluu. _These programs provide valuable
<br />educational infonnation to the general public about tlood zones and 1100<hinsurancc requirements.
<br />The City h:l';:' hnn nn TPor.c.llrrine flood In~~p.<.: dllrine the pns. It'll YPftro;;: :md ;;:0" \.,.ull\;lllly ll.1kJ a "'98~~
<br />by-FEMA's Community Rating Systcm currently rates Plea"",t"n "R" with a "1" heinc the hes!
<br />ratinr, ;lncl "1 0" th~ wnT"" r:,.ine Plemmntnn~s. Tftline qll::tlifi~", its n'sid(>nls fin;1 10 ppn't"nt di"cnllnf
<br />on noncl.inO;;:lIr:mp.p. premiums :mn is :111 imprnvf>mp.nt nVp.T tl1f~ rity's. pn.violl"- rntine of "c) "Iland
<br />JiLl;) IIl.1J lIU l\;U\".\,.Ullillg nuuJ Iv;:');)\;;:') JUliug tin,; 1-',,;:)1 kll )1,.;(.11;:'). Om,; ullLis the City's vLj""div\';;:') goal
<br />is-to maintain or improve this rating so as not to increase insurance rates or safety risks lor
<br />rl\';L!;:')LUlLvlI u,;;:')iJ(,;ub ill Plf":ls:lntnn floocbplail1=uren TPsidf"nts. (Sf"l' Pllhlir. S:lf{'ty Plemf'nt Flnncl
<br />H;m,rds )
<br />
<br />
<br />The solid waste management system in Alameda County includcs the collecting, processing, and
<br />disposing of solid waste materials. These materials include waste generated from rcsidential,
<br />commcrcial, industrial, institutional, and agricultural uses in addition to constntction and
<br />demolition materials, wastewater sludgc, street sweepings, plant debris, littcr, and hazardous
<br />wastes. In short, thc solid waste which must be collectcd and disposed consists of every material
<br />used or consumed by people. A detailed description of solid wastc matcrial types and the quantities
<br />produced are contained in the Alameda County Integrated Waste Management Plan."
<br />
<br />The City currently has a franehise agreement with Pleasanton Garbage Scrvicc (PGS) to the
<br />year 2019, which gives PGS exclusive right, subject to limited exceptions, to collect and transport
<br />solid waste from all residential, commercial, and industrial waste generators in the City. This
<br />agreement requires PGS to maintain a contract for disposal with a landfill operator. PGS currcntly
<br />contracts with Browning Ferris Industries for disposal at the Vasco Road Landlill in Livermore. 1\1
<br />tll'-' \,.ulI\;1I1141k uf J;;)pu;)cll, III\; ""41}-J41",,;ly uf Ill\; V d;)""U Idll\.II~1I willld;)l tIHULI!:)11 till,; yl,;clI Arrordine to
<br />thp. Alnmpda ('ollnty Inleernted Wm;.te Manacement ['II:," :md a~s.lImine ar.hievement of rOllnlywidp.
<br />wa"tf" rf.dllr.lion CO::l1s. Ihf" V::Is.r.o RO::ln I ::Innfill will h::lvp. ('~)r::lr.ity throllch 1017 14 Tnhle VJ_l ~how~
<br />Plp.ns.:lnton'~ nnmm) cnrnce cenerntinn nnel divC'rc;:inn rntC's. for ?OO~ :mci ?O?';
<br />
<br />_0 Tutal ""uullty-w;JI,; lallJGII ""dPcl""ily, ;lIduJiu!:) Vd;)""U RUdJ, AltdllIUIII, dllJ Tli-Cili~;), i::. ::.ufr..""i""lIt
<br />9
<br />tlllu,,!;:l. llJ~ y""t 2005.
<br />
<br />Hazardous materials are processed and disposed of according to State and Federal regulations.
<br />Residents and small generators of hazardous wastes can dispose of them at Alameda County's
<br />Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) f""aily t:.cililies in Livermore Ilayward or Oakland which
<br />recycles some I-1I-1W and packages the remainder for treatment or disposal outsidc the County.--1n
<br />nrldition the r ivennnrp.-Plt":l';;mnton r;'ire Of'pnrhnenl npf'rntf'''i. n lI"pd.oil r.ollp.ction procrnm
<br />
<br />12 FFMA (Ff'df'r::ll Fmf'r:ef'nr.y Manaermf'nl Agf'nr.y)' http'IIWUlw fpma gov/nfiplrr... ...hlm IIp(blpn ()('lohPr? r ?OO~
<br />
<br />
<br />IJ A );unt>da rOllnty W~"tP. M~n;1ef'mf'nr Authority AlmJ1l~da rnllnt)' Int~grat~d Wa\'t~ Mamf.,g'pm~nt Plan Acloptt'rI
<br />
<br />F"phmm:y)i) 7001
<br />
<br />141hid Tahlc..3dl.page...l
<br />
<br />VI-IS
<br />