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<br />III J-\laul""Ja Cuuu1)', a I"uulIl.r-".illl: ndlt=1 IJl"~ldlll Ila;:') L~l;;1I l;;;:')laLli;:')h""J ""ith Hu.: puqJU;:')"" uf <br />'d' ... bl' I' . d"d I" I " . I PI I III <br />01.11 1110 "'111l:;:') III r.;:::.lll I:::' HII&- III IVI lIa 1(111111) IIIl E1:'''"r. l.IlUglllJlI;:') 1v IIl1p \;11(\;111 1,1:-"l~ <l11l <br />I I el n..p . PI . . . . . I' d <br />III. "" "'11 t. \;(111 \'Vat!;;1 \""t 1l;;\.{UIIl.;IU""ub. \;ll:::.aululI I;:') till ll"'t.V!;; 11(1I11"'IP(11I1III 111:::' J.JlVgldlll all <br />llel;:,) jU;II""J u1111,;1 Day AI\,;ll "'UIIIIIIUlli1i",;:') ill ;IUpklll\;IILiuM, F\;Jl;;h.J1 dllJ Stuktl:1l.O d\;ull ,,"(1t\;1 IUlIufT <br />1\;I..{U;I~IIIl.;lIbNf'nrS Ilnlll;' 1"'1\1;"";111':-". <br /> <br />111\;;:')"" ~ITud:::. helV"" [v""u:::.""J VII 111.;"" J~VdUpllll;;1I1 ('II III "":t:";r.. .1111\lcll'II""~III) plUIIII;lIg, <br />""UII~llll""l;UII (1",1;" ;1;\;;:'), Ullgvillg Lu:::.iln;;:::.~ Upl,;ld1;vll~, al.J puLl;"" \,;Ju"'(1tiull dIul b. <br /> <br />It i~Il,;""Ugll;Ll,;J 111011l\;w :::.tUlIlI ""dkl "IIMI;I] \..ullt.ub ullJ Jl.;vdupllll.;1I11~\.IU;II,;III"'lIb IIluy LlJJ \:u:!tl <br />to-d\:l'dupllu;ul ('I "j\:\.:b .u.d lJu:-.ill\:;:t;:t "I'\:I ..tiulI;:t. Tlll,;l\~JlJl\;, PII,;(1:::'(1II1ulI ;~ altl:lllp1;lIg tu Ldldll\..\,; <br />till,; uLj\;d;n,;:') uf IIIl,;d;1I0 dl:dIlW(1kl pi U1;;1 4111 1 1I14lIlJdk;:') 1I1:1;,;IIl: 1';IIII1t:;...1 ,"dl.."I... 'In 1. ..... <br />VI t:' 1....1. 11 ",.'\I,lll 'J I);I'-Il h 1.1:1111 11111111, dllJ \;1I\..UUI(10;1I0 \;\..UIIUIII;'" J\;Vl.;IUpllu';1I1 (luJ Lu:::.illl::::':::' <br />11,;1l,;ul;ulI..f 11111111.1 "" ...... II e, (1;:') tll\; City OIUV\I;:'). <br /> <br />In the future, the City will continue to cooperate with Zone 7 to improve and maintain the flood <br />control system. AI\:a;:t wllc.\,; fluuJ \..ulltlul illII'IUVI,;IIIl:lIb ;:')1;11 11\;\:\.1 h.J Ll;; IlIaJl.; iudllJl.; 111l.; <br />\,.ulIflUli';II\,.\; uf [II\; Auuyu Lo.;) ['u.;)il(l.;) dllJ tll\: Alluyu l'vtudlu ;11 till... <<I\,.(I bd""I,;l:1I [I Cllollu RuaJ <br />""d [I,,; "^;'[;"l; ,,;ty 1;",;[,. OtI,,,, 7nn" 7'~ Ma~ler Plan indlln,,, improvements required by-as..fulI <br />Cilll'fmctinnl development of the Pleasanton Planning Arca <II" ;"d"d"J ill Zu"" 7', M,,,k, 1'1<111 <br />(luJ \!V;II LI,; \"ulI;:')tlud",J 0;.') J\:VdUPIIIl.;1I1 proceeds (F~Oll.\: \'1_4).8 As.:l rf's.1I1t ofth(~ I 004Y(~:1r ~tonll <br />event the pott~nfial f~xi~t~ for ...icniti~ant floodinc in Plpns.nnton 7onp. 7 predic:ts. that in Ihf' fntllrf' <br />all arroyo... in Pll"n...anfnn will ovp.rtnp dllrine a 100.yenr floon eVf'nt nnd l'ontimlf's. to P.nlll'nte thl' <br />Pllhlic ahollt till'" potC"ntinl flnncline Floodine cOlllrl he aeeravatf"d hy "'f'v(~ral prohlems. First <br />sediment a~{,lImlllates in the arroyo... :mrl rpdl1l'p", their ~npa~ity Seconn removine ...pnimf'nt hns <br />thl" pntl"ntial for rli...hrrhinc p...t:thlis.hp.d wetlann Imhitat Finally (~xrand;ne the s.;7e of existine <br />c:hannds. would calise s.icnitic:mt hinlneical ('ffi~('f.... In n'sponsf' tn Ilwse prohlt~I1l'" 'i'om~ 7 will <br />nivf'rt pf'nl flow~ from Arroyo I n'>:. Positn'>:. :md Arrnyn Mnc:hn to the [,hain of r nles nnel will <br /> pnssihle remove excess arrnyn o;;pelimpnt 10 <br /> <br />A ):lmpela ('ollnty dp.veloped the '" nkE"'>:." {'nnl'E"pt in thl" 1 <)70~ The rhnin nf I :1kt~... arf' <br />10c:ltE"n hetwE"en the cities of T iv(~mlnrp and Plf'asanton :md when complete will ('nn"i...t of n ...t~rip.s <br />of ah:1I1doned cravel qllarry pits converted intn ninp. Inkp.s) linkp.d in :t series, plll~ rnrf~ I alp ]1 <br />Till!" f,'1f tht" rOllnty ha... f'...tahli...hf'd four of thesf' lakes plll~ ('npE" I nkf" Thl' l:tkf's nrf' IIspd for <br />sP:1son:l1 W:lter storaee and cnnv(~ynncf' :md flnndwatf~r df'tf'ntion Water level~ are. mnintainf'd sO <br />that ~tort>n walt>r ean p"renhl" Ihrnllch Ih" ~id,,~ ni' Ihe ",ke~ (except fnr Cnp" r ak,,) and help <br />re.c:h:Jre~ the erOlmdwntpr h:1sin The other lakE"" will ht~ availahlf> in the next 10 to 10 ypars aftp.r <br />they hav(~ hf~en minpd and rec.1a;mf>d <br /> <br />~e..1..-AI:tml'n;l ('ollnty Flood ('ontml :mn W:ttl'r ('ons.l'rv:ltion nis.trirt '\/rl'mn Mi1llagClllenLA111\,,/pr Pftm Ph{Jw~ I <br />In/prim Rlmnr/ M:lrrh ?004 <br />. <br /> <br />11 M:ttlhp.w K:ltP~l'gi",prp.d (fp.oloei"t :tml ('f'rtifif'ct Hynme;rotoeis.t :tnd (':trot n M:thon€'y Rl''rl'n Cienlagist. <br />At:tmf'n:t ('minty Flonn ('ontml :lIlCl Wntl'r C'ons.l'rv:ltion nis.triC"'t 7onp. 7 :tnn l::tIn€'''- F Rp.illy Prof€'s."ion:lt Fneinl'l'r <br />Stpto;;on"S Inc. "C':ls.f' Study. C'h:lin.of I :tkf''' Prryt'c.t A l:tmp(b ('minty (':llifornia" paper prl's.ented:tt lht' <br />flU. Ripnni:ll Sympos.illm ofthC" Cirollnnw:ltf'r Rp.c.h:lr:ef' Phopnix A7 lI1np ~_7 ?001 <br /> <br />VI-14 <br />