<br />throlleh 7010 the rity r.:ln mef"t W:lter rI(>m:mrls. in nr.c.orchmc.e with it" W:ltf"r Sys.tpm Mn"tpr PI:ln
<br />s.tHnrl:lrd"
<br />
<br />'" E! r
<br />yy dkl lid Ily
<br />
<br />\VdL\,;1 flulU Lln; StaL\; Vl,tkl rluj\.d ;;:0, ;:o,Ulfa\.\; ""aL\,;l ""llidl i;:o, Ln;akJ allJ Ji;:o,iuf\,;\,..L\,;J by ZVII\; 7.
<br />111\; 4uality uf l)I;;:') ""aLl,;I~ ""I.;dl \.UIIII-1I;;:')\,;;:o, "Luul tIU\;l,;-lllhUkl;:o, uf rll,;d':'dUlulI',:, ':'1I1-11-11y, ;,:, guuJ
<br />,tllllUlIgll u\'\'(J,:,iUlldl l(.).,:,h;: dllJ UJUI plvLll,;lIl;') U\.\.U1 iu till; ;')UII II 1Il,;1 IIluuLII;'). GIVlIlIll"'Ydkl tdh.\,;1I
<br />GUill tin.; City';:o, ""db i;') )U""\';I ill YUdlily ""illl Lutal J;;:o,;:o,uln"J ;')uliJ;:') (J'Y\';ltlgiug GUill 400 tv
<br />550 luilligl(JllI;') P\;I likl (IItg,/I). Thl,; City u;')\.;') I::;IUllIIJ""(Jlf.;1 Lu fully util;Ll,; lll\. ),500 tl"-I\,;-fuJpt,,;1
<br />y(';dJ gIUUIIJW(.).l\.1 dllv"-dlivu ,,-alll,;J [UI ;11 ib dgU;l,;UI\;lIt witll Z\.H1\. 7 dUJ tv luc;d llI(J.lt.illllllll Jay
<br />J\,;IIIt.IIIJ;') JlIlillO Lt.\,; ;')1I111J11\,;1 IlIuulll':'.
<br />
<br />STORMWATlm FAf-:II.1T1FS
<br />
<br />Stnrmwatl'r Drainage
<br />
<br />The local storm drainage system consists oLmostly orunderground pipes, local channels, and
<br />natural swales in hillside areas. These facilities carry water runotf within the drainage basin to the
<br />tloockcontrol channels (known locally as arroyos). Ncw-dllevelop"" nfnl'W prnj(,l'IS m"st ,,,t.,,l i,
<br />,t.'lui,"J lu install adequatcly-sized storm drains to connect to thc City's existing underground
<br />s.tonn-drrtin network uf ,:,lUIIII Jlaiu;'). TI1f~ rity rf'l]II;rt~s. thnt hHillside projects all,; lll,;;')iglll,;J tu
<br />protect thc-natural drainagc courses and to-install silt basins and-Lretention ponds to-fuLcontrolling
<br />pollutants and the ,att. uf llmof!:OflowJatc. Mu,tl"Ujt.lb Thl' rity has rl'qllirl'd nNl'w dl'vl'lnpml'nts
<br />witl.i" tl,,, City !.,IV" L""" .t.yui,,,J to size their storm drains to accommodate major rainfalls. The
<br />al\,;a alulIg, KuUiug\';1 Olin;, lI\,;al lilt.; Kuuillg\;1 rld\..\; ;')\;lIiul hUlI;')iug, pluj\.d, i;') UIl\.; uf t)u.; f\;w
<br />Ic;Jllaillillg l,;l\dIIIIJIt,,;,:, ur ({II ulJl"l, 1I1IJ\,;I;:o,i".L.:J ;:o,LulIII JI,till.
<br />
<br />To nc.c.nmmndntp. futllre hllildnllt of tile Plrtnnine: A n:"n III Llllt.; fuLul\;, Ih{~ ri1y will c.on1imu"" to rf"l}lIirf~
<br />that new dl'vdnpments installaliull uf appropriately-sized storm drains willl'IOIlillllt. [u Lt. ,t.ljui,,,J
<br />vf II\;W J\;Vdu}JIII\';lIb tu d\..l...uUlllluJak Lu;IJuut uf 1I1f.; l'ldllllillg, An;". A" irlf'ntitipd nnd hlldCt""te>d
<br />in thl' rity's rapital Imprnvl'ml'nt Prngram thl' (,ity has Sl'hl'ci,,!l'ci ifmprovcments in pl'rindie
<br />inr.rp.mf"nt" to the-older portions of the stoffil=drain network 4.11\; ;')dl\';JukJ ill }J\.;lioJ;l" ill\..I\';III\.II1:" a;:')
<br />iJ\,;lIliG\;J c.lIlJ LuJgdL::J ill LIIl.; CiLy',:, Cap;Lalllllplu'fl,;IIIl,;IILI'.uoltlul.
<br />
<br />Flood Control
<br />
<br />Responsibility for flood control within the Planning area lies with Zone 7 of the Alameda County
<br />Flood Control and Water Conscrvation District. 7nnl' 7 maintainsing improved floockcontrol
<br />channels and till ill,l"ll,Iliull installs of-new drainage channels. I Jndl'T 7nnl' 7 penn;ls,
<br />dp.velopmf'nt prnjpc.ts. h~ve improvprl mMost of these channels, the arroyos, Ih.lV\,; L\..\..II ;IUpIU'f\..J
<br />over the last 20 years ill \..UI~UII\...t~UII \-"illl II\;W J\..'fdU}JUll"lIt pluj\,;\..b. The IlnC'hnnnf'li7f"rl Arroyo
<br />de la Laguna, south of Bernal Avenue, )1(1,;:0, uuL b\,;\,;u dldlllld;...~\,;d auJ ;:o,lIppulb ,p.mnin" a distinct
<br />riparian corridor. Improvemcnts to this portion of the Arroyo de la Laguna should be designed to
<br />retain the existing riparian flora and fauna to the maximum extent possible.
<br />
<br />SLUIIII""aL\.1 RUllufIlStonnwnter Rllnoffis. movp.d to thp. ron"ervHlion nnd Open SpHr.e 1.;'lemt"nt]
<br />
<br />VI-12
<br />