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<br />rlevelopn1f~nt mil';;:' provirl~ nn nverncp wn1e:r pre.;;:s,lIre: of no' le.;;:c;;, thnn 40 pOllndo;;: pp.r o;;:qllnre <br />inch (po;;:,i) nnr more 1h:m :lpproXitnn'f'ly R1 p"li :It 1he W:I1f>r_';;:f>rvicc> mc>1f>r nllrinc p{.ak_hollr <br />perion.;;:, pres.c;;,lIre mil';;:' he n' 1(>:1o;;:t 10 p.;;:i, :lnd dllrine perionc;;, of mnjor firt~ rlemnndo;;:, prt':O;;:O;;:lIre mlls1 <br />h~ n1 1f>:1,,"t JO ps.i To service rt~o;;:idp.nti:I1 C'onlmerc.inl nnn indlls,1rinl c.n<.;;tnmt"rs 1hp.: ri1y h:ls. loc:1'f>rl <br />w:l1er pipes. Hnder mn.;;:' of its, o;;:'re:e:ts. <br /> <br />rVI pldllllille, PUI}JV;:)\';;:), m;w J{,;VdV}JlIll.;lIt i;:) II.;y.uiII.;J tv plvviJ{,; ,III o \1.....1 dOl.; Wdtl.;l PII.;;:);:)UII,,; vf IIVt <br />1Il1d~1 40 pVUlIJ;:) }JlCl ;:)llllcUlC illdl (1--';:);) IIVI IIIUI\,; tlldll 125 }J;:)i ot till,,; Iv.....dtiull vf tin.; w,lkl ;:)1.;1 vi.....1.; <br />Illd\.,;l. DUl;IIe, pl,;ak.-llvUI }J{';livJ;"), pl.....;")':O'UI..... Illll;:)t LI.; aL ll,;a;")L 30 }1;:\i, ,UIJ JUlille, P\.,;I;VJ;:\ uf Illajvl r.1{,; <br />Jl.;llIdIlJ;"), pl.....;:);")lIl\,; IlIlI;:)L L\.,; at kd:>t 20 p.:o.i. V/dt\..1 pip\.,;;") dl\,; IV\..dtI,;J 1I11J\,;1 IIIV;:)t City .:o.hl,;l.;b tv <br />;:)\';1 v~\..\,; 1\,;;')iJ~lItidl, \..VIIIIII\..I\.o;CII, allJ iIlJu;")[.idl .....lI:>tVIlI.....I;:). NUIlI\,;IVU;") odJa; W'lt.....1 pip\,;;:) w;1I <br />II\"I.;J tv L\,; .....VII;:)LIlI.....kJ VI ;UIPIV\I{,;J ill UIJ\.,;I Lv Illl,,;d tll\,; City';) plujl.;\..kJ w"L.....llI;")\,;. Till.; IIlu;)l <br />;:)i!:5I1;r......allt uf LIII.;;:)I.; al\,; a \..VIIIl\;d;VII Ld\'\l..........1I tll\.,; RlILy Ilill LlIIJ OUIlJ\,; I\;;,)\;I \lvil;) LlJlJ LIB \.,;ALl.;u:>iUII <br />ur \'\I"t\';1 111'1;11 lill.....;") illtv till.; Nullll SY\..d.IIIVII.; Sl-'\;\\.. rltlll AI\.,;d. TIII,;;')\,; aJJ;tivlldl lill.....;') \<v;ll LI.; <br />LlIat d;') 111.;\'\1 J~VdVpIlH;;lIt U\..\..UI;,). <br /> <br />Thp ('ily l'Ompl"l"el n Wnl"r Sy,l"m Mn,tpr Phn I Tpelnt" in ?004 Th" "pdnt" iel"ntifipd aciciitionnl <br />wn'e:r pipes. 1hn1 require cono;;:1nw1inn or improvPI11e:n' to mpe1 the- ri.y's. projpc.ten wn'e:r lIo;;:e :ls. wpll <br />:1": .hp. ri1y's. W:l't':r QIl:1li.y :1nn hlennine neeels. The: Wn'e:r Syo;;:'t-m Mns.'er Phm hns. :1lrf>nrly <br />s.C'ht-dlllt-d .hp.: .imelip.;;:t f."1cili.if's. n(.~rt~ wi.hin .hf' rity's. CIIITf'n' fnllr4Yf>nr rnpi'nl Imprnvf'tnf'n1 <br />Prnermn Ao;;: .ht': rity dp.vp.lops. new projec.s. i. "viiI rf>qllirf' n.he:r np."v pipeline.s. plllnpinr O;;:'r1.iono;;: <br />:lnel <.;;tnrnep f:1cili.y :1nni.inns <br /> <br />In order to incren,e 'h" rPlinhility n"xihility nnd elPlivemhilily of iI, wall'r 'y'tPm, hoth "on" 7 <br />::Inn .hl" City h::lve rf'C' constnlC'tpcl or :Ire des.ienine ::I nllmhp.r of infrn,,'nlC""re imprnvemp.nts. <br />Thf>sp. include: npw wells. np.w 'IIrnollts., :Ind nf>W pipdines In .hf" pas' 10 ypnrs. <br />np.v(>lnpp:ro;;: hnvp cons.'nJ(~'p.n new wntp.:r s.'nrnep. tanko;;: for .hf> Prt-o;;:prvp Mollp.r Rllhy Hill annlh(1o <br />Hridlp rrppk rf",>:idpntial projt1oC't'>: Thl" Prps.prvp. tank "viII :11,,0 "prvP. ';;:t"vp.rnl nthf"r (anallf'r rC's.inp.n.inl <br />proje"t' in the n"hlin ('nnyon Road an'n and P1iminnt" Ihe n""d 'or n plllnp-only (hydro pnpumatie) <br />"vn'e:r s.ys.tem '0 .he C:lnyon Me:uln"vc;;, devt"loptne-n. Thp,,"e: fnc.ili.ip."l rre:n'ly improve .ht" cmfe:ty nnd <br />rf10linhility of .hi" O;;:Y<.;;'f>m :lnd hrine this. nre:l in'o C'ompli:InC'e wi.h Iht10 Ci.y'.;;: Writer Phm <br />s'nnnnrd" Thp. new HI Hnd nncl Golf rOllro;;:(1o Tnnko;;:" rnn"tnlC'1eci n" pnrt of .hp. Bridlp Crp("k :md <br />r'nllippp Prf>s,f>TVe Golf rOllr,,€" dt':vp.lnplnen' in .hp.: SOli' hens.' port inn of .he: rity will flirt in over:lll <br />ri.y <.;;.ornrf> <br /> <br />Wi.h filrfher hllild~oll' ofth€" lower 7onp. thp. e:xistine exC'€"sco: s.'Or:1Ce: will ernnllnlly climinis.h <br />npproximn,ply .he ye:nr JOIO whpn .Ill" I OWf"r Zone will rf>qllirp ndcii.ionnl s'ornCl" {IIITf'n' <br />projp.C'.ions. innicn'e .hn' Gener:ll PI:ln hili I" nil' will rpqllirp. nn nndi.ionnl J_1 million enllons. of <br />s.tnrnee Thp.: Ci.y "viII proviclp. adnitionnl s'ornef' in nn C"xpnnrtf'lt Tnss.ajrlr:l Res.e:rvoir or in n <br />sp.pnr:1tp. s.torncp. rp.s.p.rvnir:1t ano.her loC'n.inn <br /> <br />Dllrine normnl ppnk pf'rions. Plp.ns:m'on enn re:ly in 'otnl on:1 ne:liv(1ory or O;;:lIpply <br />cnpn"i'y ofnpproximn,ply 144 meci 'hro"eh th" c"rrent infrnstnlctllre S}',I"m (?~ 4-meci from 70n,' <br />7 nnci 90 med from the ('iIi' wPlI,) I fnel"r nonnnl wntpr supply t'Onciilion, Ihp ('ily hns <br />s,lIffir.ip.nt wn't'r "lIpply to ne:liver to i.s. lI.;;:ers. Rp.cen' plnnnen imprnvt'ments. '0 tll", ri.y nnrl 7nnp. <br />7'0;;: rlplivery c;;,yco:.em will (1onCO:lIre .h::]. amplf" W:l'p.r s.lIpplif1oS. met" m:lximllm_rhly d(1omnnds. Thll"- <br /> <br />VI-II <br />