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<br />l'aeh of thl' spwer-collpction The. p.xport dischm:cf' syste.m ()r(~mtprf at capacity dllrine: Iht'" <br />h~nvy winl~r nf I <)<)('-CJ7 nncl nenin in I CJCJ7-CJR Th~s~ p~nk nnws r~'1"ir~d the systt>m tn npemte nl <br />capacity while. IIsine all aV:lilahle. stomce <br /> <br />Tn Nove.mhe.r 1 q9R Plp::ls:lnton :lpproved ,\;/pn\'urp /1 which allows Plp.:lsanton to e.xp:md its <br />capacity in the. r iVt~nnore_Amatior Val1,~y Wnter M:maCC:1npnt Aee.nCoY systPI11 The. e.xp::lnsion <br />projpct has now hl'pn eompll'ted :md h::ls a c:nmhinf~d wet wpather export c:ap:1(~ity of 41 1 million <br />cnllons per day {med) Plf"asanton the. nllhlin-Sm1 r~amon S,.'rvic:ps nislri,~1 :md I ivennorp plan to <br />share. the. :lllo,~atf"{1 expansion inc:rpment (?O? mcrl) amone the.m with Pleasanton m':qllirinC an <br />adrlitional n q mcrl and thprphy inc.rpasine: it... 101:11 waslt~w:lt,"'r Wt~t-wp.:lthp.r rfil.\c.harce. ("npm~ily to <br />144med <br /> <br />W~)dl'wntf'r Sllnlm:H~Y <br /> <br />As f":xisline and approvpd projpr:ts dt"Vt"lop Sf":W:lCf" t"fllll,"nt will inC'rl":lse PIC':ls:mlon has ente.rpd <br />into IlIlmerOns "spwacp re.servation aere.eITIe.nts" that CII:1rantep C':lpaC'ity to various propp.rtit"sl <br />proje.C'ts Most ::lpprovpd hilI IIn-hllilt C'omnw~rcial/oflice. de.velopmt"nt IItili7P... c:lp:l(~ily Plpnsnnton <br />has "'rf"sprvprl" for it nllt of its oricinal sewaee-Irpatmpnt-plant ami wastpwatpr-nischarce. capflCilie... <br />L;}\~wi.:>~, IIIV.:>ll~.:>;J~lIliul J~VdVpllI~lIllllul i.:> ull-Luih Ira.:> IIUJ \..'ll'd\..;ly "":,d d.:>iJ\;" CVI ;t. \'1;[11 LIllo; <br />\..ul.I\;ul aol\;\..III\;lIb ill pia\..\; [VI dJJ;l;vllal h\;LllUI\;lIl dllJ Ji:,pu:,al \..apa\..;ly, H,\..:,\.. 1\":'''''1 valiulI:' al\; <br />IIvl all i:,:,u"" ill J~\..iJ;lIg ""IIdl'''''1 ""apa""ily i:, aVLl;tnLk tOl .'f..I:,l-""V(II\;, [;I:,l-:'\;I v~J" U:'~I':>. \VI,ik th\; <br />l~gall~:'cl val;vll:'t aduLlI agl\;~III~lIb (IIIJ PIC-PlIIdILl:'CJ ""apa",,;ly dlC :'tlill ;11 cff~d, tin; IHddi""dl <br />1\;IIIUVal uf \..Ll}Ja""ity ""UII:,lla.illb ill llll'; :,llvd allJ IlliJ-kllll II~ IlIaJ~ till'; IJlvvi.:>ivlI vf \..dpa\..ily lv <br />lll\;:'~ U:'\..I:' a.:> wdl (I':> vlll~I':> J~vdv}J;lIg ;11 [1(;:, l;lIl~ t~illll\; a:,:,u1~J <br /> <br />Rpcallse Plpmmnton hns ~pc.Hrpci hoth treatment plnnt ann p.xport capacity hy acrppmpnt with IllP <br />Ollhlin_San Rnmnn Sprvir.p~ ni~trid anrl il~ partif~ip:ltion in the' I iVl"nnnfl"_Amndnr Vnllp.y Waler <br />Man::lrpmpnt ACpncy Pxpansion ProjPct ~ewaee trpalment and rlispo~al capacity i~ nnt :1 c.onstr:1int <br />in the short_ or min_lenn The rity's. CIIITp.nt trpalmp.nt :'Inn disposal c:apac.itip.s :UP. adpflll:ltP fnr <br />ernwth nnli~ipnt"cl In n~~1Ir hetween ?OO~ nncl ?O?~ <br /> <br />PIf'n~:1nton h::ls sPcllrpd c:1p:1city fnr its continue.d p.xistinc and filtllre \.V:1stewatp.r tlnw... In :lddit;on <br />P!pasanton's c:tpar.ity in tht' di<::ch:u:-C" pipt~linf' will :1l1nw crnwth in dry_\,vpathf'r flow... a<:: wpll as <br />aC'Pommonate its we.t-wp.:'Ithpr tlo\,vs for many filtlln~ yp.ars Tahle VI-1 shows ?OO"1 and ?O?"1 <br />,,{"wac," di" total... <br /> <br />WATER <br /> <br />Plt"a<::antnn is a water re.taile.r provicfine wntpr primarily to thp f"ity nf Ple.a<::anton hilI al...o to sevt~r:ll <br />anj:1pent, IInincnrporatpd :'Ireas (Kilkare Wonns Reme.n tract portions of IInincorporatpd I<'onthill <br />Rnnn ann olh,"r isohttpcl service. :'Irea,,) Plpasanton dOt~s not serve the. f":1stlewoon aTP::l rpsinpncps <br />or coif the f"ity nnn f"ollnty of San FranCois.po's, Wnte'r nppartmp.nt servps thes'p rp<::inpncps' <br />from pllmpt~rl crnnnrfwatpr-ha<::in watprs :md fire. arc.ollntpn for in 7onf' 7's erollnrf\.vatl"r II"-f' <br /> <br />The rity rec.eives thl" majority of its \.vntl"r from thl" /nnl" 7 W:ltpr Acency (tht'" Vallpy's watf"r <br />whole.":1Il"r) thrnnch "ix pennanpnt tnmonl.;;: from thf" 7onf" 7"m :md frnln it... own Wl"II" Tht" <br /> <br />VI-5 <br />