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<br />VI. _PUBLIC FACILITIES ANn C'OMMIINITY 1)IWGlaMS ELEMENT <br /> <br />IlAC'KGnOlJNn ANn !)URPOSE <br /> <br />The purpose of the Public Facilities ami ('ommll"ity Prnemms Element is to define the capital <br />improvements,und public lacilities, and prncmms needed to service the community at build..out, <br />including wastewater, water, storm.wa1c.L Jla;lIag~, tluuJ \"ullliul, solid waste, gd;,) dllJ d~",hil;, <br />td\;pIIUII\;, \.tlLIl;;; kh;;vi;')iull, schools, library, hieh-~r~l'd wir(&I(&~~ intl"rnpf :1(,1"p.~~ (Wi_Fi) rt"r.rl":1tion <br />:md r;:)rk~, and other comnlunity facilities. f'nmmllni.y prnemms indllrlt" prnermns mhninistt"rcd hy <br />thp. rity) other :lccnr.ips. :-Inri inrlivichmls 111;.]1 c-rlllp:lte nllrtlln~ or nthen.visp prnvirlp :l soc.i;.]} ht"nefit <br />to mpmhf'N. ofthP. community <br /> <br />A pllhliC': f:u~ilitip.s f'1p.mpnt is :m nptinnnl cpnpr:ll ph," element PHhlic. frwilitif"S SlIl"h ns S("wpr nnn <br />wnterlinps trt~:ltmpnt rl:mts w:1f('r WI" II " rind n"st"rvnirs nod dminnCf" fm~ilitips. :lrf' pnrts of the- <br />infrno;;:tnldllr~ thnt O;;:Hppnrt development The- nV:lilnhility nf these fm,:ilitif"O;;: in c:onjllndinn with <br />tnlnsport::ltion systems :md rondw:lYO;;: c;ontrihlltes to determinin!! :l community's I:md 1Io;;:e- pnttpms <br />no;;: wt..1I :l~ thc" dirpc:tion :lnn intensity of erowth Pllhlie: fncilitit-s for e:ity :lnd e:ollnty nffict-" <br />edllc:ntinn lihrnries ree:rf"ntion :lnd p:1rks C:llltllml :lrts commllnity henlth :md otht-r cnmmllnity <br />prOer:lms :Jrp. impnrtnnt to rpsidpnts' qllnlily of life- <br /> <br />rnlifhrn;a r;()vprnm(~nl r()d(~ S~e:tinn tl,,10? provides fnr :J l:Jnrl liSP. el...tnent that desicn:Jtf's thco <br />prOpOSfY) Ct-nt-rnl di"tnhlltinn, Inc:ntion nnd e-xtpnt of "e-vp.rnl Innd ,,"cos, indlldine pHhlie: f:1c;iliticos <br />"1Ie:h n" sc:hnols) pHhlip. hllildines nnd rrollnns nnd li:.olid :lnd liquid wnste dispoc;;:nl f:u,:ilitif'~ Noh", <br />howp.vp.r that (;ovprnmenl rode S,."tion (i~\OI(n) nllows n hody 10 adopt a cp." plan <br />in :lny form:,t dpf>lnf-rI npproprintco or c:onvenient Plt-:lsantnn hm: e:hnsen to indllch~ the- distrihlltinn <br />loC'ntion nnrl f'xte-nt ofpllhlie: t:'1c.ilitif':s in thi~ PHhlie: Fnc:ilitif':s nnd r'ommllnily Procrnms Plel1lent <br /> <br />SIJSTAINARII "TV <br /> <br />AIi:. li:.t:ltf'rl in the nf'nf"rnl Plnn Visinn the r'ity ofPlf':lO;;::lntnn f"mhrnc:ps the c:onC't'pt of~lIdninahili(y <br />plannin~ A <mstninnhle c.ity rlrnws from thco c-nvirnnment only those- reo;;:ollrceo;;: th:lt nrf";;:nry <br />nnd thAt ('nn he IISPet or rf'e:ydc"rl pc-rpC"hmlly, or re.fllmed to tht- environmcont in n fonn thnt nntllre- <br />('nn lIc;;:e to Ct-nemtc- mnrc- rf'"onrC'cos nin':c.tly relntine the e:oncc-pt ofslIst:linnhility to pHhlie: fncilitic"" <br />:mrl proernms minimio"inc :mcl rf':c.yc.line wno;;:tewnter dio;;:c.h:trCe c.nnsf-rvine W:1tt"r slIpplies <br />nnd stonne: slIrt:'1C'f": W:1tcor<:. rp("h:lreinc the ernllnchvate'r hnsin nnd minimi7inc ~nrl ree:ydilll!. o;;:olici <br />\V:1stes (enrh:lce) Providine Pllhlic. t:'lc.ilitie<:. nnd proernms in wny<:. thnt redllce' motor vf"hit~lf.._trip" <br />ancl c-nf":rcy lI<:.arf": nl"o mtdrf""" thl': ("nnc.ept of slIli:.tninahilily Thlls. e;:,e:hnols lihrnrie's parko;;: and <br />rec.reation:ll t:'1c.ililies c.otnmllnity f.'1c.ilitip." ("11 hllr:'! I nrte;:, nnd hlllnnn o;;:ervicl'"<:' th:-lt mny hp. rl'":1nily <br />:lc.c.p.<:.sen hy wnlkinc hiC':yde ridinr lr:m< C'"nrpools or linkl':d :mtomohill': tripe;:, would :11"0 rC"hltl': to <br /><:1I<:.tnin:lhility plnnnine This eleme.nt nddres<:.e<:. Ihf": conc.:ept of sllstainnhility throneh it eonl" <br />poliC':iC"o;;: :1nci proermns <br /> <br />WASTEWATER <br /> <br />Wastewater facility planning involves a collection system (gravity pipelines, force mains, and <br />PUIIIIR:>),<:.ewaee-lift or pllmpinc <:.tfltinn<:.), a treatment plant where raw sewage is treated to nlcct <br /> <br />VI-I <br />