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<br />the community about the benefits of pro-active affordable housing strategies (e.g., <br />does not lower property values, is needed to retain employers in the community, <br />etc.). Perform periodic monitoring of the job/housing match of Pleasanton's housing <br />supply's match to Pleasanton's wage profile. <br /> <br />. Use the BusinesslWorkforce Housing Task Force and other avenues to educate <br />business owners and decision-makers on the need for affordable housing. <br /> <br />. Consider a demonstration project with City funding to convene a design competition, <br />creating a world.dass architectural quality in the next low-cost project. Integrate <br />"green" building techniques and showcase local firms in this project. <br /> <br />. Support the implementation of the Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance. As appropriate, <br />consider changing the inclusionary requirement to maximize the number of housing <br />units built and leverage inclusionary housing fees to build more housing. <br /> <br />. Work with developers of affordable housing to identify sources of gap funding and <br />support the development of additional below market rate rental and ownership <br />housing outside the inclusionary context. <br /> <br />. Identify opportunities to develop affordable and workforce housing near job sites <br />including at business parks. <br /> <br />. Promote the downtown as an area for infill housing development. Encourage this <br />concept to local residents, who can participate in "aging in place" while enjoying the <br />cultural and entertainment opportunities offered by downtown Pleasanton. <br /> <br />. As part of the review of the condominium conversion ordinance, consider regulations <br />that would reserve a portion of converted units for affordable / workforce ownership <br />housing. <br /> <br />. Explore the use of publicly owned land for the development of permanent affordable <br />housing. <br /> <br />. Prepare land availability analysis including an independent assessment of need <br />matched to the pace of buildout. <br /> <br />. Explore joint city/business participation in a second mortgage program. <br /> <br />. Consider dedicated housing for public service employees (such as first responders, <br />nurses and teachers) outside the Pleasanton housing unit cap. <br /> <br />Pleasanton Economic Development Strategic Plan <br />DRAFT - January 2006 <br /> <br />26 <br />