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<br />Goal 5: Increase Housing Opportunities for Pleasanton's <br />Workforce and Residents <br /> <br />The availability of housing plays a major role in employers' decisions about where to <br />expand. and helps employers recruit and retain employees. In contrast, the lack of <br />affordable housing contributes to longer regional commutes and increased congestion as <br />local workers are forced to live in more distant areas to find housing they can afford. <br /> <br />To support a healthy. sustainable economy, a local housing market needs to offer homes <br />at a range of prices and configurations. The result is a community that is accessible to <br />young workers, attractive to families, and one that provides opportunities for people to <br />"age in place". <br /> <br />Pleasanton's ability to provide housing to support its economic development is <br />constrained by a voter-approved cap on the development of housing units within the City. <br />No more than 29,000 units are allowed and the Growth Management Program limits the <br />number of residential building permits that can be issued each year at 350. <br /> <br />This goal addresses the need for an affordable and diverse housing supply for purposes <br />of economic development. <br /> <br />Policies <br /> <br />Policy 5.1: Maintain a range of quality housing options for all incomes and housing types <br />including executive homes, affordable apartments, live/work options. entry-level <br />ownership units, and smaller senior housing units. <br /> <br />Policy 5.2: Encourage workforce housing development projects, with increased <br />homeownership opportunities for all income levels of workers in Pleasanton. <br /> <br />Policy 5.3: Provide a Fair Share of regional market rate housing in conformance with the <br />City Housing Element. <br /> <br />Strategies <br /> <br />. In consultation with the Housing Commission, organize a BusinessIWorkforce <br />Housing Task Force, including local employers and developers across all income <br />spectrums, to develop a Strategic Plan for workforce housing. Provide staff and <br />consultant support as needed, to develop the Plan. Document what workers earn, <br />and what they can afford, and educate policy makers on the gap between this and <br />housing costs in Pleasanton. Consider options such as relaxed land use regulations <br />or growth management measures for certain types of housing, improved education to <br /> <br />Pleasanton Economic Development Strategic Plan <br />DRAFT - January 2006 <br /> <br />25 <br />