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<br />The Cemetery's current condition is not inconsistent with what one would expect at a non- <br />endov.ment care cemetery. The cemetery is unadorned and has simple landscaping and grass in some: <br />areas and weeds in other lIm1S. Burial plots in Plcasanton cost approximately 5725. The Odd Fellows' <br />cemetery in Lh'c;nnoI1: is an endowment care cemetery and is licensed by the: State. Buriab at the: Odd <br />Fellows' cemetery in Livermore are approximately double the price of burials at the Memorial Gardeos <br />in Pleasantoo. <br /> <br />If the City of Pleasanton adopted an ordinanee that prescribed mainteDaIlCe slandards for publie <br />and private eemeteri cs, the maintenanee standards would n<<d to be consistent with the standards for <br />non-cndowment care cemeteries because the: Cemetery is permitted under state law to remain a DOD- <br />c:odoWlncot care cemelc:ry (i.e., one that is not required to retain funds for lhe maiuteoaoce, care and <br />embellishment of the Cemetery). Because non-endowment care ceme:teries do not have .,,~;n"""~,," <br />~1andards aside from weed abatement, an ordinance that parallels these standards would not meet the: <br />concerns of residents who want 10 improve the: Cemetery's appc:arance and maintenance. <br /> <br />If the: City adopted an ordinance that imposed standards that were greater than those of nOD- <br />endowment eare cemeteries and morc in line with those: of endowment care cemeteries., the Cemetery <br />would likely contend that it sold grave sitcs with the expectation that the Cemetery would not have to <br />provide endowed care for them, and any requirement otherwise: would be invalid.. <br /> <br />(C) Contractual MainlenmtCe Obligations <br /> <br />Although the majority of the gravesileS in the Cemetery are considered non-endowed' (and <br />therefore requiring minimal care), some plots sold between 1992 and 2002 may have been purchasecl <br />with the: w,d".ru.nding that the Memorial GucI"ns wo"ltl p"rp""uslly eare for the plots. The Cemetery's <br />manager is attempting to determine the number of' plots sold Wldcr these conditions and the amount of <br />funds collected and still held for that purpose. Whether these gravesites would be oonsidered to have <br />endowed care is not clear bccaLL'" it appears thaX the Memorial Gardens did not comply with the Jaws <br />concerning endowment care (i.e.. Health & Safety Code sections 8725 et scq.).' In order to determine <br />the Cemett::l)"s obliga.tions forme plolS sold between 1992 and 2002 and any failure by the: Cemetery to <br />conform to lhose obligations, interested private parties could bring a civil action against the Cemetery, <br />including. for example. claims for breach of contract. declaratory relief, miSlq'resentation and/or <br />unlawful business practiccs. <br /> <br />2. Record Keeping <br /> <br />The Memorial Gardens cWTCDtly keeps records of'burials and burial agreements in a variety of formats, <br />most of which are in hard copy. UnfortUnately, because information is kept in various records, maps <br />and loca.tions (in varying degn=es of organization). deciphering and compiling accurate information is <br />tedious and may be impossib\C; in some instances. espeeially ,,1th regards to the: older gravesites. An <br />accurate evaluation of the Cemetery and its obligations to the existing and future graves would likely <br />require a thorough revie:w not only of the files, but also of Ihe: site, county records.. and other historical <br />resourccs- <br /> <br />1 So m:onh we", ....,labl. to confirm ",hother most of the plots wert s<>ld with ondowed cm:_ A bin of sale, daled February <br />ZS. 1892. ptovides only for the pnce. ofpurc;boser, lot number and descrip,jcn. Contracts from 2001 and 2004 <br />expmsly state 1bat the facility is ~a NON.ENDOWMENT Burial Ground." Ho"'.-, an informational pampblet <br />~ccompanying rhe 200 1 contract ad.ortis.. -perpetual care burial plots" and "perpetual care oremanOD pWc[aj.n <br />. For .""-'llP1e. section 9780 of the Heallb and Safel)" Code pro.;d.. that it i. unlawful 10 advertise that any plot i. \Older <br />""do_cnt care before 3%1 endOl'omeo' care fund has b<:>en establisbed. <br /> <br />PI.easanlOD Memorial G;Cil'dens C~m<lCf'Y Rcpor1 <br /> <br />Page 6 of 16 <br />