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<br />While the Housing Element contains numerous goals and policies related to housing in general, <br />some of the key elements related to affordable housing can be summarized as follows: <br /> <br />Attain a variety of housing sizes, types, densities, designs and prices that meet existing and <br />future needs. <br />Encourage residential densities capable of supporting affordable housing. <br />View affordable housing as an amenity for purposes of developing housing above the mid- <br />point of the General Plan density range. <br />Ensure the retention of rental housing. <br />Encourage the production of market-rate moderate-income housing. <br />Encourage the production of moderate, low and very low income housing to meet the City's <br />affordable housing needs. <br />Create incentives for non-profit affordable housing developers. <br />Strive toward meeting Pleasanton's share of the Regional Housing Needs Determination <br />(RHND). <br />Preserve at risk affordable housing. <br />Use available City programs and incentives to promote and facilitate affordable housing. <br />Complete land use studies, within one year of the adoption of the General Plan, to identity <br />sites that can be converted from non-residential uses to high density residential uses as <br />necessary to meet the City's RHND goals. <br />Educate the public regarding the City's affordable housing programs. <br />Use the City's Lower Income Housing Fund to help produce affordable housing. <br /> <br />Since the adoption of the Housing Element, the City has had a number of successes toward <br />meeting these goals. Some of the most notable include the following: <br /> <br />Processed the sale of 56 low-income affordable ownership homes on the Bernal property. <br />Finalized development plans for an assisted living development that will provide 31 <br />affordable assisted living units. <br />Finalized approval of 138 very-low and low-income senior units at the Gardens at Ironwood <br />including two units for special needs tenants. <br />Worked with Greenbriar Communities to develop a loo-unit apartment complex on the <br />Bernal property with 20 very low income and 11 low income units for families. <br />Formed the Kottinger Place Task Force that is currently reviewing options to retain and <br />expand affordable units at Kottinger Place and Pleasanton Gardens. <br />Approved the development of seven low and moderate-income ownership units and five <br />affordable by design units at the SilverStone development. <br />Implemented a down payment assistance program. <br />Prepared significant materials to inform the public of affordable housing programs and <br />assistance. <br />Worked toward meeting regional housing needs by assisting with the formation of the <br />Tri-Valley Housing Opportunity Center. <br />Currently reviewing the City Condominium Conversion Ordinance to limit the loss of rental <br />units. <br /> <br />SR:06:087 <br />Page 2 <br />