· A new FY 1992/93 project status table has been added in Appendix A which
<br />indicates the status of projects approved for funding in FY 1992/93. Another
<br />table comparing those projects scheduled for funding in FY 1993/94, last year's
<br />CIP with the FY 1993/94 funded projects in this program is also included in
<br />Appendix A.
<br />· Development related fees are shown on the financial tables in the years they are
<br />projected to be collected, but not made available to meet project expenses until
<br />the following year.
<br />· Unfunded projects have been clearly prioritized in "high" and "other" categories
<br />and moved to a separate section near the back of the document. In previous years
<br />unfunded projects were assigned a specific program year and tommingled with
<br />funded projects.
<br />· Clearly identified revenue reserves have been established in the Miscellaneous and
<br />Parks Program~ in an attempt to acquire revenue for unfunded projects.
<br />A summary of the recommended expenditures, available revenues (excluding revenue transferred to
<br />subsequent years) and transfers including the beginning balances for the proposed projects is as follows:
<br />
<br /> FY 1993/94 FY 1994/95 FY 1995/96 FY 1996/97 FY 1997/98 TOTAL
<br /> WATER $1,958,616 $1,927,476 $2.116.763 $2,109,279 $2,387,243 $10,499,377
<br /> SEWER 4,930,553 1,270,267 1.327,892 1,291.067 1,475,074 10,244,853
<br /> STREETS 3,791,838 1,335,863 3,159,397 1,367,258 1,475,256 11.119,613.
<br /> PARKS 1,079,270 703.700 1.406,900 342.600 1,056,500 4,588,970
<br /> MISC. 6.121.850 3.961,393 3.279.188 1.950.645 2,494,890 17,807,966
<br /> TOTAL $17,882,127 $9,148,698 $11,290,141 $7,060,849 $8,878,963 $54,260,779
<br />
<br />
<br /> FY 1993/94 FY 1994/95 FY 1995/96 FY 1996/97 FY 1997/98 TOTAL
<br /> WATER $1,841,507 $1.424,680 $1,416,618 $1,259,049 $1,210,171 $7,152,025
<br /> SEWER 1.387.009 1,854,316 2.146.388 947.694 946,194 7,281,601
<br /> STREETS 3,785.810 1,016,000 3,378,100 1,176,000 1,105,000 10.460.910
<br /> PARKS 912,001 70,000 2.100,000 120.000 1.386,969 4,588,970
<br /> MISC. 6,121,850 3,387,417 3.155,682 1,887,172 3,255,845 17,807,966
<br /> TOTAL $14,048,177 $7,752,413 $12,196,788 $5.389.915 $7,904,179 $47,291,472
<br /> 111
<br />
<br />
<br />