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S.b. Capital Imnrovement Program <br />Review of the Five-Year Capital Improvement Program and consideration of conformity <br />with the General Plan. <br /> <br />Mr. Swift presented the staff report recommending the Planning Commission find the Draft <br />Capital Improvement Program, as a whole and as individual projects, consistent with the <br />General Plan; and that the Commission recommend as the priorities for funding those <br />projects identified in the Draft Program. He advised that Assistant City Manager Steven <br />Bocian and Assistant Director of Public Works Roger Higdon were present to respond to <br />questions. <br /> <br />Commissioner Wright questioned the responsibility of the Planning Commission to determine <br />if the CIP is consistent with the General Plan in that the General Plan is being updated. Mr. <br />Swift noted that while policies and programs may be changed, it is not likely that major <br />changes will be made because of existing development demands. He further noted that some <br />of the CIP projects are necessary as a result of approved development plans and that policies <br />coming out of the General Plan Update will impact future CIP's. <br /> <br />In response to Commissioner Michelotti's question regarding the use of General Fund money <br />for CIP projects, Mr. Swift advised that there are no restrictions for the use of General Fund <br />money for CIP projects. Mr. Bocian described the budget process in conjunction with the <br />development of the Five-Year Capital Improvement Program and discussed the use of <br />General Fund reserves. <br /> <br />Mr. Bocian responded to Commissioner Mahem's question related to the impact of the <br />Govemor's proposal to take money from the cities, and also discussed the possible extension <br />of increased sales tax. <br /> <br />In response to Commissioner Finch's question regarding the reduction in grants in 1994-95, <br />Mr. Bocian explained that because of the grant approval process the report only reflects those <br />grants which we are relatively certain will be approved. He noted that the City will continue <br />to apply for grants and those that are approved will be reflected in future CIP reports. <br /> <br />Commissioner Finch noted that some of the streets which were slurry-sealed approximately <br />seven years ago in areas such as Valley Trails, Val Vista, and "Birdland" are in need of <br />repair. Mr. Higdon advised that the street maintenance program is based on need, in <br />conjunction with the consideration of the need to replace sewer and water lines. He stated <br />that a number of the streets Commissioner Finch is referring to are deteriorated beyond <br />repair by slurry-sealing and will need to be rebuilt. <br /> <br />In response to Commissioner Mahern's question regarding the possibility of Foothill Road <br />improvements becoming a funded project, Mr. Swift advised that improvements for several <br />sections of Foothill Road will not be paid for by developers, but that as projects are <br /> <br />EXCERPTS planning CommiSsion Minutes June 2.3, 1993 <br /> <br /> <br />