Table A:
<br />Pleasanton CDBG Program, FY95/96 - FY96/97
<br />Funding Allocation Approved by the City Council -- April 4, 1995
<br />i~!! F~ii1995/96!iii ~i~= i
<br />i ::i CDBG; ! ~
<br />I Buenas Vidas - Mortgage buy-down (boys' home) $20,000 $0 {not elig.] $20,000 $0 {not elig.]
<br />2 Buenas Vidas - Purchase ~ris' home $30,000 $0 {not elig.] $30,000 $0 {not elig.]
<br />3 CAPE/Hill N Dale - Preschool/childcare building $90,000 $0 {not eh'g.] $90,000 $0 {not elig.}
<br />4 City of Pleasanton -Downtown econ. dev. loans $10,000 [$eeNot~ I] {notelig.} $]0,000 [sooNot~ I] {notehE.]
<br />5 HOUSE, Inc. - Acquire new housing $35,000 $0 $35,000 $30,000 $0 $30,000
<br />6 Kaleidoscope - Mortgage buy-down $10, 000 $10,000 {not eh'g.} $ 20, 000 $20,000 {not eh'g..1
<br />7 The Center - Lobby improvements/xerox machine $6,360 $0 {not eligd $0 $0 {not
<br />8 f~ri-CitiesChildren~Center-ModularuniFLivermor $19,000 $19,000 {noteligd $0 $0 [noteh~.J
<br />9 Tri- Valley Haven - Community service building $35,000 $35,000 {not elig.] $30,000 $30,000 {not eh~.J
<br />10 Tri-Valley Haven - Furniture/equipment $3,979 $4,000 {not elig.] $5,281 $5,300 [not elig.]
<br />11 Failcy Cornre. Health Center. EKG machine $10,950 $10,950 {not elig.] $0 $0 {not eligd
<br />
<br />12 /llameda County HCD - Housing rehab program $266,600 $65,300 $35,000 $266,600 $60,000 $0
<br />13 Keystone-Facilityenlargement $15,000 $15,000 {notelig.] $15,000 $15,000 [notelig..]
<br />14 Kottinger Place- Misc. rehab. projects $56,150 $29,750 $0 $0 $26,400 $0
<br />15 Dleasanton Gardens - Misc. rehab projects $17, 320 $8,800 $0 $0 $8,300 $0
<br />
<br />SUBTOTAL - CAPITAL IMPIL + REHAB.: $625,359 $197,800 $70,000 $516,881 $165,000 $30,000
<br />SSAvAtZ. FORCAmTALSMVR/R~HAB.: ~S202,800 [ t~N~] I519s'°°° i
<br />
<br />18 CRIL - Independent living services $12,065 $0 {not elig.J
<br />19 ECHO HoasinS:- Housing counseling services $26,161 [~Not~ 2] $26,000 iiiiiiiii:.i::.ii:.iii !!
<br />20 ECHO Housing - Reverse mortgage counseling $8,038 $0 $8,000
<br />22 Pleasanton Uni~edSchoolDistrict --
<br /> .... i! i::i i::! ~!~ !~! !ii !!~ i~!iii!i!::iii!ii! ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: i::i~i ~!ii::ii::!~i i i~ i iii:.~!:: !::5 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
<br />23 Project Heritage-Senior day-care subsidies $6,000 $5,000 [not elig.]
<br />24 Vroject UeritaV - ~t~heimer~ case manag~ment S~,160 $8,000 tnot eUg4
<br />25 nesourees for Family Do. - Chitacare subsiaies 55,000 SS,000 tno, eUgd
<br />27 The Center - Emerg. food basket prog operation $13, 640 $0 [not elig.]
<br />28 The Center - Youth/family services proS operation $15,000 $6,500 [s~ Noto 21
<br />30 Tri- Valley Haven - Partial clienFadvocate position $15,000 $0 [not elig.]
<br />31 l Vallcy Comm. Health Center - Ped. immunization $14,400 $12,000 [not elig.]
<br />32 I Vallcy Comm. Heaith Center - Senior case mgmt $12,929 $0 [not dig.]
<br />33 I Vallcy Cornre. Health Center - Prenatal services $6,756 $0 [not elig.]
<br /> SUBTOTAL - PUBLIC SERVICES: $1 72,908 $46,800 $34,000
<br /> wix SSAvAn. toncyst. svcs. as%~: ~ 546,soo ] I s4s,ooo ]
<br /> (to be allocated next year)
<br /> FY 1995/96 FY 1996/97
<br /> SUMMARY: Requested Recommendatton: Requested Recommendation:
<br /> F_.lllldjilgl CDBG Hs_~. Fund Funding: CDBG
<br /> TOTAL (ALL CATEGORIES): $798,267 $244,600 $104,000 $516,881 $165,000 $30,000
<br /> m.4x. SS AvAn. Ast-~r eAt. t cAr~aomes~: [S249,600] [$240,000]
<br /> (does not include Jhnds for program admin.) (based on est'd. $300.000 total granO
<br /> ( 1 ) The City Council did not approve funding for this project and directed the Human Services Commission to evaluat~ reallocating the funds to another project
<br /> (2) The Council moved $6,500 for ECHO Housing from the CDBG program to ~ City Housing Fund and transferred this amount to Project No. 28 (The Center/
<br /> Youth and Family Services Program). The Council asked the Human Services Commission to nview this altemative for consistency with existing Housing
<br /> Fund policies and to mak~ a r~eommendation for the Councirs subse~luent consideration and final action.
<br />
<br /> CCAPPRg$.WK4
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