Net negative variances between budget and actuals (including carryovers ) in the Materials,
<br />Supplies, and Services category were about $77,000 (1.0%), as shown in the following table.
<br />BUDGETED VS. ACTUAL 1994-95
<br />
<br /> Budget Actu=_! Variance % Variance
<br /> (Incl camJovers)
<br /> Planning Reimbursable Exp (offset by Revenue) $143,575 $45,445 $98,130 68.4%
<br /> Contingency Balance 51,812 57,219 (5,407) -10.4%
<br /> Contract Services 2,329,206 2,591,143 (261,937) -11.3%
<br /> Election Costs 16.720 0 16,720 100.0%
<br /> Alameda County Charges 300,714 296,329 4,385 1.5%
<br /> Community Support &Subsidies 779.841 759,327 20.514 2.6%
<br /> Recreation Contract Instructors 109,577 98,774 10,803 9.9%
<br /> Supplies, Dues, Subscriptions, Uniforms 1,030.304 1,043.293 (12,989) -1.3%
<br /> Jail Booking Fees 150,000 174,520 (24,520) -16.4%
<br /> Advertising, Postage, Pdnting 291,404 272,777 18,627 6.4%
<br /> Refunds 51,250 53,583 (2,333). -4.6%
<br /> Liability Insurance &Damage Costs 1,140,000 1,149,384 (9,384) -0.8%
<br /> Utilities 1,303,130 1,279,861 23,269 1.8%
<br /> All Other 170,722 123,828 46,894 27.5%
<br /> Total $7,868,255 $7,945,483 ($77,228) -1.0%
<br />
<br /> Planning Reimbursable expenses include studies which are paid for by developers. Both revenue
<br /> and expenditures were budgeted for $100,000 in 1995-96, but little revenue was received and no
<br /> expenses incurred. Contract services reflects the largest variance ($262,000). Often this occurs
<br /> when there are personnel vacancies which are temporarily backfilled by contracting work out
<br /> (such as in the General Services and Public Works Departments). Thus some of the personnel
<br /> savings shown in a previous chart are offset here in the contract services category.
<br />
<br /> 7
<br />
<br /> SR96:318
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