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<br />There are two principal reasons why the environmental analysis did not find adverse <br />impacts of the General Plan Update on the housing supply. First, the provision for <br />Pleasanton's Mure housing supply is not significantly different from that of the 1986 <br />General Plan. Second, provision of housing beyond that planned could potentially <br />result in a deterioration of environmental and public service conditions. <br />A. The housing supply provisions of the 1996 Generat Plan update are not <br />significantly different from those of the 1986 General Plan. <br />1. The 1996 General Plan Update would acccmmodate a housing inaease of <br />approximately 8,100 units (S,071) over the plaming period, from 21,180 units <br />in 1995 to a projeded 29.257 in approximately 2010. This is an inaease of <br />38 percent. <br />(Soun:8S: 19ge GenentI AM. pp. 0.11 and 1V-2. and GetwnI"'" DElR. Table 2. p. 11.) <br />2. The 1986 General Plan would have provided approximately S,9OO units <br />(S,899) over the same period. from 21,'80 units in 1995 to a projected 30,079 <br />units in approximately 2010. This would be an increase of 42 percent <br />3. The change in the amount of the increase is 822 units. This level of change, <br />amounting to roughly 55 units per year over the 15-year period, is not <br />significant. <br />4. Pleasantan's planned reduction at 822 W1its in its future hoUSing potential <br />amounts to less than 3 percent at the projected future housing stock under the <br />1986 General Plan (30,079 units as presented in the DEIR, p. 19). <br />5. The subregion is planning far a substantial incr8- in housing over the <br />period from 1995 to 2010. The housing stack in the Tn-Valley area, encom- <br />passing the Cities of Dublin, Uvermore, Pleasanton, and San Ramon and <br />proximate areas of Alameda and Contra Costa Counties, is expected to <br />increase by n percent over this period. <br />(Sources: Tti-VaUey PlaMing CommittH. ~ PeI>>'''', ~ and /trtfIIIdy 01 <br />LtNn~. June 21,1"5. P. 2 and Table 1.1: same author. T1I-V8IJey <br />SUbregIiDn8I Planning Sb.tegy. 0C:taber 30.1_. P. 3.) <br />6. Pleasanton's planned reduction of 822 units in its future housing potential is <br />negligible in view of the overall housing levels planned for the Tri-Valley by <br />2010. While almost 8,100 units would be added to the City's housing stock, <br />an addition of roughly 54,000 units is projected for the Tn-Valley region. <br />(Source: Warldng Paper.' dted in Item 4 gives a year 2010 household caunt of <br />138,340 as campared with a year 1105 count of 16.060. yielding an inc:nue in h0USe- <br />holdS of 51.380 over the 15-year period. /UI ine:I'8aM of 51.380 householdS implieS an <br />inc:rU5e of 56,Oa. hOusing unitS given a vacancr .uowanc:e of 5 percent.) <br />2 <br />