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10. The agreements shall be revised such that 10. The agreements shall be revised such that <br />LAVWMA participates in all costs of the LAVWMA participates in all costs of the <br />Authority, except those specifically associated Authority, except those specifically associated <br />with the pump stations at Alvarado and with the pump stations at Alvarado and <br />Hayward, and the forcemain from Alvarado to Hayward, and the fomemain from Alvarado to <br />Oro Loma. Said costs shall include the Oro Loma. Said costs shall include the <br />following: Operation & Maintenance, following: Operation & Maintenance, <br />Administration, studies, reports, and Renewal Administration, studies, reports, and Renewal <br />& Replacement. Cost sharing shall be on the & Replacement. Cost sharing shall be on the <br />standard basis of both fixed and variable standard basis of both fixed and variable <br />percentages, where fixed percentage is as percentages, where fixed percentage is as <br />described in Item 9 above, and variable described in Item No. 9 above, and variable <br />percentage is based on total LAVWMA flow percentage is based on total LAVWMA flow <br />that enters the combined Authority member that enters the combined Authority member <br />agency service areas. Certain costs may be agency service areas. Certain costs may be <br />allocated on a case by case basis subject to allocated on a case by case basis subject to <br />approval by the LAVWMA and Authority approval by the LAVWMA and Authority <br />member agencies. The Regional Water member agencies. The Regional Water <br />Quality Control Board's ongoing Regional Quality Control Board's ongoing Regional <br />Monitoring Plan would be one such example. Monitoring Plan would be one such example. <br /> <br />11. The agreements shall be revised such that 11. The agreements shall be revised such that <br />LAVWMA is responsible for its share of costs LAVWMA is responsible for its share of costs <br />for any capital project that is to replace and/or for any capital project that is to replace and/or <br />repair the pump station or Marina repair the pump station or Marina <br />Dechlorination Facility structures or the Decholorination Facility structures or the <br />pipelines for the forcemain and outfall. The pipelines for the forcemain and outfall. The <br />exceptions as noted in No. 10, above shall exceptions as noted in No. 10, above shall <br />apply. The percentage responsibility shall be apply. The percentage responsibility shall be <br />as identified in No. 9, above. It is assumed as identified in No. 9, above. It is assumed <br />that these are projects not covered by the that these are projects not covered by the <br />current Renewal & Replacement Fund. It is current Renewal & Replacement Fund. It is <br />also assumed that the projects are required due also assumed that the projects are required due <br />to the age of the facilities or damage from to the age of the facilities or damage from <br />natural causes. It further assumes that the costs natural causes. It further assumes that the costs <br />would be exclusive of funds received form would be exclusive of funds received from <br />insurance, FEMA, etc. insurance, FEMA, etc. <br /> <br />12. The current agreements shall be revised to 12. The current agreements shall be revised to <br />remove the annual assessment of $7,000 for remove the annual assessment of $7,000 for <br />administration and depreciation, and the administration and depreciation, and the <br />interest on $320,000. interest on $320,000. <br /> <br /> <br />