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RES 96035
City of Pleasanton
RES 96035
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3/29/2012 8:48:40 AM
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2/23/1999 7:38:45 PM
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7. The Authority agrees to allow LAVWMA 7. The Authority agrees to allow LAVWMA <br />to construct a new pipeline to connect to the to construct a new pipeline to connect to the <br />Authofity's system. The size and wet weather Authofity's system. The maximum size n, md <br />pumping capacity of the new pipeline and wet :vent.her pu,.'-:ping ~apac!iy of the new <br />pumping system shall be determined by pipeline and pumping system shall be <br />LAVWMA. Authority staff shall review and ~,,~:~ ~,,, r ^ xrur~ ^ 32.42 MGD <br />concur in the design to insure its compatibility ADWF, augmented by such wet weather <br />with the Authority's forcemain and outfall pipeline capacity as LAVWMA determines <br />system. is necessary and appropriate, if any. <br /> LAVWMA will reduce the size of the <br /> pipeline to the extent of any capacity rights <br /> in the expansion project that a member <br /> agency decides not to exercise. <br /> <br />8. LAVWMA shall determine the maximum 8. LAVWMA shall determine the maximum <br />wet weather flow it desires to pump through wet weather flow it desires to pump through <br />the Authority system. That flow figure, in the Authority system. That flow figure, in <br />MGD, shall represent the maximum flow MGD, shall represent the maximum flow <br />allowed through the Authority's system as a allowed through the Authority's system as a <br />sum of both primary and secondary flow. The sum of both primary and secondary flow. The <br />secondary flow shall be that flow subject to secondary flow shall be that flow subject to <br />curtailment according to the January 7, 1994 curtailment according to the January 7, 1994 <br />concept developed by Bob Whitley, and as concept developed by Bob Whitley, and as <br />mended by Item No. 4, above. mended by Item No. 4, above. <br /> <br />9. The total wet weather flow as described in 9. The total ~ flow as described in <br />No. 8 above shall be used to determine the No. 8 above shall be used to determine the <br />fixed percentage basis for calculating fixed percentage basis for calculating <br />operation, maintenance, and routine project operation, maintenance, and routine project <br />costs. No. 8 (MGD) / 189.1 MGD = fixed costs. No. 8 (MGD) / 189.1 MGD = fixed <br />percentage. The Authority agrees to a schedule percentage. The Authority agrees to a schedule <br />for modifying said fixed percentage and further for modifying said fixed percentage and further <br />agrees to discount the fixed percentage. agrees to discount the fixed percentage. <br />Attachment 2, LAVWMA Fixed Capacity Attachment 2, LAVWMA Fixed Capacity <br />Allocation, details the schedule of said fixed Allocation, details the schedule of said fixed <br />percentage using a maximum wet weather flow percentage using a maximum wet weather flow <br />of 71 MGD. Should LAVWMA choose a of 71 MGD. Should LAVWMA choose a <br />different wet weather flow maximum, the different wet weather flow maximum, the <br />discount rate is subject to modification. discount rate is subject to modification. <br /> <br /> <br />
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