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Section 3.3 Nominations: The Tnuteis who are full-time thelnvesttnentConmctsandinanyaherinvestment <br />employees of Public Employeeshallserve asthe Nominal- recommended by the lnvetmrnt Adviser, but not <br />ing Committee for the Public Employee Trusties. The <br />bli <br />f <br />P <br />i <br />h <br />ll <br />h <br />did <br />N <br />C including securities iuued by Public Employee. <br />erhudirected that its <br />lo <br />vid <br />d that if a Public Em <br />or <br />u <br />c <br />ominating <br />omm <br />ttee s <br />oose can <br />ates <br />a <br />c y <br />p <br />e <br />pro <br />E~ k~yee Tnutee in accordance with the procedure sit monies be invested in oral or more specified Portfolios <br />forth in the By-laws. or in an Investment Concoct, the Trustee of the <br />Secdon 3.4 Resignation and Removal: (a) Any Trustee may Retirement Trust shall invest such monies in <br />aceotdance with such directions: <br />resign u Trustee (without need for prior or subsequent <br />accotutting) by an instrument in writing signed by the (e) keepwchportionoftheTrustPtoperryincuhorcuh <br />Tnutee and delivered to the other Trustee and such balances u the Trustees, from time to time, maydeem <br />resigmcion shall be effective upon such delivery, or at a to be in the best interest of the Retirement Trust <br />leer date according to the terrru of the irutrumenc. Any of crated hereby without liability for interest thereon; <br />the Tnuxees may be removed for cause, by a vote of a (fl accept aid retain for such time u they may deem <br />majority of the Public Employers. (b) Each Public Em- advisable any secudtie or other pcopeay received or <br />ployee Trustee shall rrn~gn his or her position u Trustee <br />on which he or she ceases to <br />hhm si <br />da <br />s ~ th <br />dat acquired by them u Trustees hereunder, whether or <br />ll <br />ld <br />wuc <br />xty <br />y <br />e <br />e norma <br />y <br />nor such secuntie or abet propeny wou <br />be a full-time employee of a Public Employer. be purchased u investment hereunder, <br />Section 3.5 Vaanaes: The term of office of a Trustee shall (p~ cause any securities or ocher property held u part of <br />termirute and a vacancy shall occur in the event his or her the Trust Property to be registered in the name of the <br />daub, resigrntion, removal, adjudicated incompetence or Retirement True or in the name of a nominee, and to <br />other incapacity to perform the duties of the otiice of a hold any investmtna in bent form, but the books <br />Trustee. [n the rase of a vacancy, the remaining Trustees and records of the Trustees shall at all times show chat <br />shall apppoint such person u they in their discrinon shall <br />see fit (wbjea to the limitations sit forth in this Section) all such invesrrrirne are a part of the Taut Property; <br />, <br />ro serve forthe unexpired portion of the cermof rite Tnntee (h) make. execute, acknowledge, and deliver any and all <br />documrne of transfer and conveyance and any and all <br />who has resigned or otherwise ceased to be a Trustee. The <br />appointment shall be made by a writtrn insaument signed <br />otheriruttumena that may be rucesaryorappropriate <br />by a majority of the Tnucees. The person appohued muu <br />be the same type of Trustee (i.i., Public Employee Tnutee to carry out the powers herein granted; <br />(i) vote any stock, bonds, of other securities; give <br />or ICMAIRC Tnrstee) u the person who hu ceased to be gautal oc special Proxies or powers of atcomey with <br />a Trustee. An appointment of a Tnutee maybe made in or without power of substitution; exercise any <br />antieipuion of a vacancy to occur at a later date by reason <br />h <br />i <br />f <br />d <br />d <br />h conversion privileges, subscription riggha, or other <br />ments incidental thereto: <br />and make an <br />a <br />tions <br />o <br />appo <br />nt- <br />at suc <br />tetireroent or resigrntion, provi <br />e <br />c <br />o <br />mau shall trot become effective prior ro such retirement or y p <br />y <br />p <br />, <br />oppose. or cartserit ro, or otherwise participate in, <br />tesignuion. Whenever a vacancy shall occur, until srrrh cocpotatereorganiatiorssorcoothachartgesaffating <br />vacancy is filled u pprovided in this Section 3.5, the Truu• <br />ees in office, regardleu of their number, shall have aif the catpon~esecocides,atddelegatediscretionarypowers <br />ud pay arty asseuments or charges in connection <br />powee granted to the Trustees and shall dischuge all the there+rich: and generally exercise any of the powers of <br />duties imposed upon the Trustees by this Declaracwn. A as owner with respecr to :cocks, boridt. securitie or <br />written instrument certifying the existence of a vaaticy other property held as part of the Tent Property; <br />sighed by a majority of the Tnutees shall be wttclusive (jI enter into cauraca or areangertiertts for goods or <br />evidence of the existence of such vacancy. <br />C <br />B <br />S services tequieed in connection with the o ion of <br />but trot invited co <br />the Retiremett Tnut <br />includin <br />apadty: <br />y <br />Section 3.6 Tcaatea <br />erve in Representative <br />executing this Deelaruian, each Public Em er agrees . <br />, <br />g, <br />eontraccs with custodians and contracts for the <br />that the Public Employee Tnutee elected by the Public provision of ad~*;*~~tive setvicefi <br />Employers are authorised to act u agates and represerua- (k) borrow or Wise money for the purposes of the <br />rives of the Public Ertpkiyers collectively. Retirement Trust in such amo[uic, and upon such <br />ARTICLE N. POWERS OF TRUSTEES rerun and condition, u the Tnrstee shall deem <br />advisable, provided brat the aggregate artiount of such <br />Sation 4. I Geaaal Powers: The Tnutees shall have the <br />Per borrowings :hail nor exceed 3096 of the value of the <br />ro eordirct the busines of the Tnut and to carry <br />ll n <br />t be <br />h <br />h <br />h <br />ll in <br />l <br />d <br />b <br />S Tent P No person lending money to the <br />~ <br />~ <br />ut s <br />a <br />o <br />uc <br />er s <br />a <br />c <br />u <br />e, <br />P ~ bound to see the lintion of the <br />Tnsstees <br />ell <br />~ <br />P~ u[orrey late or ro irquire into its va, expediestcy <br />(a) reuive the Taut Property from the Public Employee, or propriety or any such botrowirtg; <br />PnblieFsopksyerTrtuteesathetnuteeaadrainisQUa (l) ireeurteasorobleexpertsesurequiredfortlxopeaaat <br />order any Employer Tent: of the Retima[a-t Trust ar-d deduct such expenses <br />(b) enter into a eontnct with an [nvestrnent Adviser from of the Tent Property; <br />Providing. among other things for the esnbiislimerrc (~ Pay expenses properly alkicable ro the Tent Property <br />aad operation of the Portfolios. sciecrion of the <br />InvrstatentContractsinwltichtheTnutPropettymay iriarrredinoonrieaionwiththeDeferred cron <br />Plans, Qualified Pluu, or the Ernpkryer nuts and <br />be invested, selection of the other investments for the dednct such expenses from that patios of the Trust <br />Trux Prtipcrty and the paymeix of reasonable fees to P:~ycowltic~tsuchexpensaarepropedyallonble; <br />the lavestment Adviser and co any wb•investment <br />advser reairred by the investment Advise:; (a) pay out of the Tent Property all teal and personal <br /> <br />(e) review annually the performance of the Investrnenc pxa, income taxes and other taxes of any <br />a~ which, in the opinion of the Trustees. <br />Adviser and approve annually the contrxt with such are pmperiy levied. or assessed order existing or <br />lnvestusent Adviser, futtue laws upon, or in respect of, the Tent Property <br />(d)investardttiinvesttheTnutPropecryinthePortfolios, ardatlocateariywrlstaxesrodteapproprfueaccouna; <br />amended )anwry 1995 <br />2E:3 <br />