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Resolution No- PC-2005-58 was entered and adopted as araotioned. <br />Corn n~issioner Arlcin arrived at this point of the naeeting- <br />6_ PUBLIC HEARINGS AND OTHER MATTERS <br />6_a_ PAP-90. Brian Arkin. Annellant (PSDK-246, Pleasant Plaza Shonnin~ <br />Center) <br />Appeal of the Zoning Adn-ainistrator's approval of an application for sign design <br />review approval to create a comprehensive sign program for the Pleasant Ylaza <br />Shopping Center located ai 4223-4277 First Street. Zoning for the property is <br />C-C ~Cantral Commercial, Downtown Revitalization, Core Area Overlay <br />District. <br />Ms. Decker advised that as the Zoning Administrator, she was the hearing body for this <br />case. Steve Otto, the project planner, presented the staff report and detailed the history <br />and. layout of the project. [ lc displayed the colors and designs of the signage as proposed. <br />The sign would utilize open.-pan chamiel letters with exposed neon. The new <br />identification sign would. be located on the stucco fascia above the C:ole's Market <br />storefront and would. also have open-pan channel letters with exposed neon. The <br />ti-eestanding sign would be refurbished, and the face of the sign would be changed trorra <br />internally illuminated cabinet sign to an aluminum background with vertical reveals, with <br />open-pan channel letters with exposed neon- "I'he support A-fraarae, which was metal, <br />would be repainted the brick red color of the building, and the asterisk would be painted <br />metallic gold. He noted that written sign program would be used for future tenants, who <br />arau st conform to the sign program; those signs could. be approved over the counter. The <br />sut~ject signs conform to the sign program- Staff received several phone calls from <br />existing tenants of the shopping center, urging approval of the sign prograaa. Staff has <br />not received any public opposition to the sign progran-a and believed it cont~>rnzcd to <br />Municipal Code regulations aad the Downtown Design Ci uidelines. Staff believed that <br />the new designs and the refurbished sign were attractive and would be an improvement to <br />the shopping center. Staff recoaramended. that the Planning Coaraaraission uphold the <br />Zoning Administrator's approval of this case- <br />Commissioner Arkin wished to clarify his appeal of this application and noted that the <br />vast majority of the signs approved by the Zoning Adarainistrator were without <br />opposition. He noted that the checks and balances of this process included the <br />notification of the Planning Commission so that a public hearing may be held- He <br />requested a public hearing on this item because of the proximity of this project to the <br />Do~nnrtown, as wall as the size and scope of the project. He also wanted to hear feedback <br />Isom the Cotramissioners. - <br />THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS OPENED_ <br />PLANNIN C: COMMISSION MINUTES December 74, 2005 Pagc 7 of 78 <br />