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xoLL cALL voTE: <br />AYES. Coirimissioners Arkin, Blar~k, Fox, Maas and Pearce. <br />NOES: None_ <br />ABSTAIN: None.. <br />RECUSED: None. <br />ABSENT: Commissioner Robcrts_ <br />Resolution No. PC-2005-29 was entered and. adopted as motioned~ <br />c. PAUP-1_ Mark and Krishna Becker <br />Application for conditional use permit to allow four chickens at an existing single-family <br />residence located at 2598 Skimmer C:ourt_ Zoning for the property is R-] -6,500 <br />Single-Family Residential District. <br />Ms_ Decker summarized the staff report and described the background and scope of the <br />application. She indicated that only hens would be kept, and there would be no roosters on the <br />property. The chickens would be maintained as pats to obtain fresh eggs and to allow the <br />children to participate in the County Fair and other community activities- Fowl are a <br />conditionally permitted use in single-family residential districts, and that use is con si stmt with <br />the provisions of the Pleasanton Municipal Codc_ The City responded to a call regarding the <br />chickens, and Mr_ Roy Ficken, Senior Animal Control Otf3.cer, who is in attendance, visited the <br />subject site and would describe his observations. Staff believed this particular site provided the <br />ability to keep and maintain these animals so that the number did not seem to cause damage or <br />hazard to persons around the area; they did not seem to generate offensive noises, dust, and odors <br />due to maintenance; the proposed project met the standards. Staff recommended that the <br />Planning C=ommission make the required use permit findings and approve this application subject <br />to the conditions and plans in the staff report_ <br />In respon sc to an inquiry by Commissioner Arkin regarding a potential time liiriit of this use, <br />Ms. Decker replied that use permits run with the land. <br />Roy Ficken, Senior Animal Control Officer, responded to Commissioner Blank's inquiry about <br />alternate methodologies to allow chickens and noted that it must be a conditional use permit- He <br />looked for cleanliness and humane conditions. <br />in response to an inquiry by Chairperson Maas whether rats would be attracted to the feed, <br />Mr. Ficken replied that he did not make that inquiry- He believed this was a very nice setup, and <br />bushes were planted to mitigate the sound. He visited the site unannounced. He noted that all <br />animals make noise and that the daughter was playing with the chickens. He noted that there <br />was considerable distance between the coop and the neighbors- The Sports Park is located <br />directly north of the subject site. <br />THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS OPENED. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES _lunc 22, 2005 Page 12 of 20 <br />