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Chairperson Maas suggested that Policy 7 9 state that the improvement of ACE Train should be a <br />goal but that relocation or other specific actions should not be addressed in a Coen eral Plan <br />element. <br />Commissioner Fox had a problem with Policy 20, and would like to strike the entire policy. <br />Commissioner Arkin agreed wit}-i C=ommissioner Fox's objection and noted that if Pleasanton <br />provided housing for all the jobs, it would exceed the City's housing cap. He did not believe that <br />should he articulated as a General Plan policy- <br />Commissioner Blank agreed that Policy 20 should be stricken entirely. <br />C=on-m-iissioner Arkin noted that Policies 21 and 22 had contradictory goals in promoting both <br />increased pedestrian activity and synchronized traffic lights; whenever a pedestrian hits the <br />"Walk" button, the synchronization of the lights would be interrupted- <br />Commissioner Fox would like Policy 222 to be deleted: "Encourage the state and/or federal <br />government to adopt more stringent fuel efficiency standards for passenger vehicles." The <br />Comn-iissioners agreed with that del ction_ <br />Commissioner Fox noted that since the underground fuel ]itte accident in Walnut Creak, she <br />would like the public to be informed with a snap to show the underground. fuel lines- <br />Ms_ Stern noted that many utilities walked a fine line in disclosing that kind of information <br />because of terrorism concerns. She noted that transmission lines were usually discussed as part <br />of the Circulation Element. <br />Commissioner Roberts noted that the beginning of the document stated that the City wanted to <br />be a "model for energy conservation," which she believed was the impetus for inai~y of the <br />policies. She questioned whether that was a widespread goal in Pleasanton as well as what it <br />implies. <br />Ms. Stern noted that staff would edit the comments presented by the Planning Cornrnission_ She <br />would present both the original document and the edited comments to the Planning Commission <br />prior to taking it before the CJity Council. <br />No action was taken. <br />b_ PDR-446, Hamid Taeb <br />Application for design review approval of the architectural plans, landscape plans, aizd <br />color palette for the future homes to be constructed on the Kolb Ranch lots located at <br />5967 through 6093 Kolb Ranch Drive. Zoning for the property is <br />PUD-LDR/OS/PHS/WO Planned Unit Development -Low Density Residential/Open <br />Space/Public Health and Safety/W ildlands Overlays District- <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES May 25, 2005 Page 8 of 23 <br />