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_, Commissioner Blank moved to approve Case PUD-89-06-2D as recommended by staff> with <br />the Following additional conditions. <br />1_ A requirement for a family restroom be added; <br />2_ The modifications to the hauling route be specified as discussed; and <br />3_ The hauling activities shall end at 3c30 p_m_; <br />4_ The applicant install a pedestrian bench on each side of the entryway with a <br />trash receptacle nearby; and that <br />S_ The applicaut work with City staff to increase the density of the currently <br />proposed landscaping_ <br />Commissioner Arkin seconded the motion_ <br />ROLL CALL VOTE: <br />AYES= Commissioners Arkin, Blank, Fox and Roberts. <br />NOES= None. <br />ABSTAIN: None. <br />RECUSED: Commissioner Maas <br />ABSENT= None. <br />Resolution No. PC-2005-18 was entered and adopted as motioned. <br />f_ PDR-446 Hamid Taeb <br />Application for design review approval of the architectural plans, landscape plans, and <br />color palette for the future homes to be constructed on the Kolb Ranch lots located at <br />5967 through 6093 Kolb Ranch Drive_ Zoning for the property is <br />PUD-LDRIOS/PHS/WO Planned Unit Development -Low Density Residential/Open <br />Space/Public Health and Safety/Wildlands Overlays District. <br />This item has been continued to May 11, 2005. <br />7_ MATTERS INITIATED BY COMMISSION MEMBERS <br />Construction at Vallev and Santa Rita <br />Commissioner Fox noted that there had bean construction at Valley and Santa Rita and inquired <br />about the activities. <br />Mr. Jost advised that Zone 7 was adding a monitoring well at that site and that the hole was <br />drilled. Additional structures would be installed, and the park would be restored. <br />Commissioner Fox requested. that staff remove the signs that referred to storm drain work in <br />October. <br />Ms_ Nerland advised that the City and Zone 7 had been engaged in protracted negotiations about <br />the ongoing maintenance and other provisions related to the terms of that agreement. Shc noted <br />that the weed abatement must be addressed further by either the City or Zone 7, which would be <br />___. the subject of further discussion. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES April 27, 2005 Page 11 of 13 <br />