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13. Except for the tiro-rated windows required by Building Code, the exterior windows shall be <br />wood-darned as indicated on the proposed plans, not the vinyl-covered wood windows shown on <br />the color/rraatcriai board. <br />] 4. Details of the windows and window treatments, corbels, eaves, planter boxes, fencing, exterior <br />light fixtures, planter benches, awnings, and balcony railing shall be shown on the plans <br />subn~iited for issuance of building permits grad shall be subject to review and approval by the <br />Planning Director prior to issuance of a building permit. These slam ants shall be coaripatible <br />with the architectural style of the build ing_ <br />7 5_ Except as otherwise approved by the Planning Director, the stucco on the building shall have one <br />of the t2~llowing finishes: "Cat Faces," "C'.alitb rn ia," "Santa. Barbara," or "M onterey_" The <br />stucco finish shall be noted on the building perarait plans. Prior to installation, the applicant shall <br />submit a sample of the stucco wall finish for review grad approval by the Planning Director. <br />7 6. The awning and window sill colors shall be subject to review and approval by the Planning <br />Director prior to issuance of a building permit for the proj eci. <br />1 7. 'T'he approved building colors and materials shall be indicated on the Final building pen~rait plans. <br />Any proposed revisions to these approved colors or materials must be submitted for review and <br />approval by the Planning Director prior to painting/installation. <br />18. "1'he project developer shall cffe ctively screen from view all ducts, meters, air conditioning <br />equipment, aa~d any other mechanical equipment, whether on the structure, on the ground, or on <br />the roof, with materials architecturally compatible with the building. Screening details shall be <br />shown on the plans subrraitted for issuance of building permits, the adequacy of-which shall be <br />detern~ained by the Planning Director. Ali required screening shall be provided prior to <br />occupancy. <br />19. All mechanical equipment shall be constructed in such a manner that noise emanating from it <br />will not be perceptible beyond the property plane of the subject property in a normal <br />enviromrient for that zoning district. <br />20. The applicant shall submit an exterior lighting plan for the building For the review and approval <br />of the Planning Director prior to issuance of building pern~aits_ Lighting shall be directed away <br />from adjacent properties and, if deemed necessary by the Planning Director, shall incorporate <br />cut-oFF shield type lxtures to prevent glare onto adj scent properties or ro adways_ <br />21 . All trash and refuse shall be contained completely within the enclosure shown on the site plan. <br />The materials and color of the enclosure walls and roof shall match the building and the gates <br />shall be corrugated metal or solid wood. The location and design of the enclosure shall be shown <br />on the plans subaitted for issuance of building permits and shall be suL~ject to the approval of the <br />Planning Director and Fire Chief "Trash containers shall be stored within the enclosure at all <br />tirraes, except when being unloaded. <br />