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<br />The State legislature has determined that family daycare homes that operate under the standards <br />of State law constitute an accessory use of residentially zoned and occupied property and do not <br />fundamentally alter the nature of the underlying residential use. Furthermore, the legislature <br />states that no entity or document (HOA, CC&Rs, or otherwise) can impose additional restrictions <br />on or prohibit a residence from operating a daycare use (H&S ~1597.40 et. seq.). This legislature <br />does specifically allow a landlord to require the daycare operator to carry additional insurance. <br /> <br />A policy in the City's General Plan Public Facilities Element is to promote human services for <br />people of all ages to those Pleasanton residents who are in need of assistance. This includes a <br />program (16.2) to work with local, County, State, and Federal agencies to promote and support <br />human services for people of all ages, including childcare services. <br /> <br />Although the project site is located in a high-density PUD, the homes are detached, single-family <br />homes with private yards. Staff acknowledges that the development has challenges associated <br />with its site layout, but feels that the operation of a daycare facility at this location can exist <br />harmoniously with the residential uses given the recommended conditions of approval. <br /> <br />The City reviews applications for large family daycares in residential districts on a case-by-case <br />basis. Staff does not feel that approval of this application would set a precedent for future large <br />family daycare establishments in high-density developments, as there are situations where <br />conditions of approval would not be able to mitigate impacts. <br /> <br />Traffic <br /> <br />The Municipal Code's standard for traffic control states: "Large family daycare homes shall not <br />create any traffic hazard. The Zoning Administrator may prescribe such conditions as may be <br />reasonably required to ensure the safety of all affected by the proposed use, including requiring <br />traffic-control measures reasonably required to avoid any identified adverse effict." <br /> <br />Staff has been made aware of the existing parking and traffic issues as communicated by the <br />neighbors and the Homeowners Association. Staff has conducted several site and neighborhood <br />visits to ascertain the extent of the parking and traffic issues. <br /> <br />Staff specifically monitored the morning drop-off period on two occasions. Stafffound that the <br />traffic movements that were related to the existing daycare activity that caused concern were the <br />use of neighboring driveways to do V-turns and the unloading of children at the curbside. The <br />traffic volume in the neighborhood was moderate and was not solely generated by the existing <br />facility. Staff did not witness more than one car dropping-off children at one time. <br /> <br />The safety issues that have been raised by the neighborhood seem to stem mostly from the speeds <br />at which all vehicles in the development travel, residents and non-residents alike. Staff notes that <br />while the City can condition an application to mitigate impacts reasonably related to a project, it <br />cannot require mitigations for issues beyond an applicant's control. Thus staff has drafted a <br /> <br />SR:06:033 <br />Page 5 <br />